From CEO Bentley Smith:
Great job to everyone following the recommended infection control protocols by the Centers for Disease Control and local guidance published by the Colorado Department of Public Environment (CDPHE). We have had some close calls, but no major known exposures or outbreaks.
Looking forward to the upcoming summer season, and the lowering of restrictions in our communities, it is imperative that we continue to remain vigilant. This means following the infection control standards, making informed decisions about activities you may be considering, and discussing your activities with your Support, Inc. team when needed. The individuals that we serve are considered highly vulnerable to COVID-19, and therefore we all must diligently follow the guidance and limit everyone’s exposure to stop the spread.
You can visit Support, Inc.’s website for the latest news and information, or the CDPHE website for more COVID-19 related information. Links are below:
Link to Support, Inc. Newsfeed
Link to CDPHE’s COVID-19 Website
We also have our updated screening questions to be used before entering client homes. We will use this same screening tool for visitors entering our offices. For any questions on the screening assessment, please contact Laura at