Please join us in congratulating our recent Host Home Provider of the Month, Diana and Kenny Wijaya!!!
The following write-up was produced by the Denver Metro Three Team: We would like to nominate Diana and Kenny for providers of the month. They have been HHP’s with Support since 2008 and a 3-bed home since 2014. They do such an amazing job that they set a high standard that other providers can look up to. It’s hard to know where to start in saying why these two providers deserve this award. Their file compliance is excellent and needs very little follow up (MAR’s are signed off when medication given and log notes completed according to Agency policy). They know all their individual’s needs very well and support them with the best services a provider can give. Appointments are made before the RPC even needs to ask or remind them and then it is put in Therap well advance of the appointment day. I truly appreciate the communication we have. They let us know right away when they need support or something is needed.
Beyond the incredible work they do with file compliance and taking care of medical needs is the individuals they serve. They provide wonderful access to the community. Kenny has taken D on trips out of state. One of our favorites was a trip to California, where D not only got to enjoy Disney Land but gong to the ocean for the first time. Rich will never forget when D moved into their home. It is a treasured moment working in the field. D was moved from a home that wasn’t supporting his needs and care was questionable. Rich remembers dropping off D at Diana and Kenny’s home and then going back to get the rest of his personal belongings. When Rich returned to Fnu’s home, D was sitting out of his wheelchair and in a recliner with his feet up and being pampered like a king. We knew D had found his home and has been with them ever since (over 10 years).
Rich only has one other individual in the home, but over the years has gotten to witness how the other 2 individuals’ quality of life has improved with the wonderful supports provided to them by Diana and Kenny!! Diane and Kenny, we want to say we appreciate all you do and have the upmost respect for the care you provide to the individuals you serve in your home.