Support, Inc. Welcomes New Associate Director of Day Services

The Day Services program is excited to welcome a new Associate Director.  Brandon Thibodeau joins our team at a critical time while we continue to make our way through safely offering as many essential services as possible, while continuing to be mindful of the ever-changing COVID-19 Pandemic.  

Brandon comes to us with a wealth of experience working in the behavioral health field for nearly the past 20 years.  Brandon’s previous experience was working directly with youth education and residential treatment in a variety of capacities.  Brandon has been a Direct Support staff, a training specialist, a para-educator, supervisor, and manager over his career so far.  

Originally from Norfolk, VA where his father served in the Navy, Brandon spent his growing up years in Arvada, CO and now lives with his wife in Westminster, CO.  Brandon also is a proud father of two adult sons.  

Brandon brings excitement and passion to his new role with Support, Inc. working with our Day Services team to continue building a strong, diverse, team-oriented culture where people can experience growth and success.  Welcome to the team, Brandon!  


Support, Inc. Hosts Third Vaccine Clinic to Distribute Initial and Booster Doses

On Wednesday, Support, Inc. was thrilled to host a third vaccine clinic for individuals in our services. From People Receiving Services to Family Caregivers, Home Home Providers and Employees, we welcomed anyone associated with Support, Inc. to schedule a time to meet us to receive their shot.

With this being our third clinic, the set up was easier to navigate this time. We also had a better understanding of how to contract with the state, to bring in nursing staff to administer the vaccines. One of the main reasons we love hosting the clinic on site is because it makes our individuals in services more comfortable when they enter a familiar setting to receive their shot. It’s also great for staff to catch up with families and providers in person. Ultimately, we support having individuals that qualify receive their third dose, and we couldn’t be more happy to help connect families to these state and federal resources. We also helped a few folks receive their first and second doses, as well.

Below, we have a few recent photos from the clinic. If you have any questions regarding our vaccine clinics or would like to join us for future clinics when we have them, please email Cathy at

Our vaccine clinic kicked off to a great start! We have our awesome Day Services staff on site to provide support as needed!! Left to right- Andre, Kurt, Emily and Miles

Nancy signed Anthony up for his booster, because she has three kiddos with special needs in her home. 
Our registration staff were great! Things ran smoothly with their assistance, and we also had water and snacks available for those that needed it.

Jerry said he’s getting his booster because COVID sucks! We totally agree and appreciate Jerry coming to see us !!

Austynn got his booster to protect himself and those around him- way to go Austynn!