Greg Lands a New Job

At Support, Inc. we pride ourselves on helping our individuals reach their goals. When Greg reported that he wanted make some extra money and create new relationships, the team worked on a plan to help Greg make his dreams a reality. Through working with DVR and a job coach, Greg was able to land a job at Goodwill in Northern Colorado. There, he was able to learn new skills, meet new people, occupy his time in a positive manner, and make that extra money.

Greg has been working at Goodwill now for 6 months and has expressed that he enjoys the independence he gets, in a setting that is positive for him. His favorite part of the job is pay day, where he is able to cash his check and spend his money the way he wants to. More recently, Greg has expressed interest in gaining his driver’s license and has begun saving for a car. At work, you can find him interacting with customers, helping his co-workers, and showing people the car he is saving for. Outside of work, you can find Greg shopping, enjoying leisure activities, finding new celebrity gossip to share, finding new cars to save for, or looking for a way that he can work more hours.

Big thanks to Greg’s residential team for helping Greg reach this milestone!

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Host Home Provider of the Month

Please join us in congratulating Sophia on her Host Home Provider of the Month award! This nomination was submitted by Jared, on behalf of the Denver Metro One Team-

I am writing this on behalf of Sofia Escobedo and the amazing work she does with her individual in services. Sofia had her individual J placed in her home in the summer of 2020 and has been an extremely supportive and hands-on provider. She is very aware of his needs at all times and does everything within her power to make sure he is comfortable. She is also a strong advocate for J and makes sure his voice is heard by his team and the other individuals in his life.

Sofia has always been extremely compliant with her paperwork and understands the job fully. She takes pride in her work and is always quick to respond to her teammates if a question or concern arises. She understands J’s limitations and is able to help facilitate for him, and that allows him to engage in all of his planned events. She also helps him get to his appointments on time, especially his virtual clinical appointments.

All in all, Sofia has shown herself to be an exemplary provider and Support, Inc. is fortunate to have her. J has grown as an individual since joining her household and no greater compliment can be paid to her than that. Thank you Sofia for your continued hard work and attention to detail. You deserve the honor of Provider of the Month.