HHP of month image

Host Home Provider of the Month

We’d like to acknowledge and congratulate our March Host Home Provider of the Month- Lubna Yazdani! Sometimes the relationship between a provider and the person they are caring for is just what each one unknowingly needed. Lubna Yazdani became Roby’s Host Home Provider during a very painful time in Roby’s life. Lubna has worked diligently, learning Therap and caring patiently for Roby through some very difficult adjustments. It was a rough couple of months, but Lubna’s loving kindness has fostered a closeness and healing for Roby. They take frequent outings to the park to feed the ducks in the sunshine and go to restaurants and try new food. Roby is happy and is once again full of smiles. Lubna loves spending time with Roby and is getting more exercise than she has in years! They are wonderful companions to each other, and we’re so happy we get to be a part of it. Congratulations, Lubna, on being named the March Host Home Provider of the Month!! Thank you for all that you do.