QA COrner

Quality Assurance News & Updates

June is National Safety Month, and this year the focus is on safety in the workplace.

Preventing injuries at work.

  1. Have good lifting posture.
  2. Before lifting
    • Be aware of the object’s weight
    • Make sure the work environment is flat, dry, and debris-free
    • Check that the lift direction is straight
    • Take care of any tripping risks or debris
    • Look for any muddy or slippery areas
    • Make multiple trips, don’t try to do it all at one time
  3. During lifting
    • Never twist your torso while lifting
    • Stay “nose between your toes”
    • Never lift a heavy item above shoulder level
    • Never carry a load that obstructs your vision
    • Never hold your breath while lifting, moving, and setting the load down
    • Keep the load close to your waist for as long as possible
    • Adopt a stable position
    • Don’t flex your back any further while lifting
    • Avoid twisting your back or leaning sideways especially while your back is bent
    • Keep your head up when handling
    • Get a good handhold and do not twist while lifting
  1. Always follow standard precautions.
    • Standard precautions apply to the care of all people and are applied when there is a risk of exposure to (1) blood; (2) bodily fluids/secretions/excretions; (3) non-intact skin, and (4) mucous membranes.
    • Standard precautions include:
      1. Hand hygiene: wash hands frequently for at least 40-60 seconds.
      2. Use personal protective equipment (PPE) to serve as a barrier to protect skin, mucous membrane, airway, and clothing. This includes gloves, masks and gowns.
      3. Follow respiratory hygiene/ cough etiquette.
      4. Properly handle, clean and disinfect care equipment.
      5. Routinely clean and disinfect the environment.
      6. Follow safe injection practices.
  1. Prevent slips, trips, and falls. Falls can happen anywhere. Whether it’s working at heights or tripping on the same level, you always need to keep your eyes out for hazards.
    • Keep walkways and staircases clear.
    • Practice good cord management! Secure cords and when needed, tape down power cords and cables to prevent tripping.
    • Clean up spills and messes promptly.
    • Ensure there is proper lighting.
    • Keep floors clean and dry.
  2. Be prepared for an emergency.
    • The 1st week of June is national CPR & AED awareness week. Delivering first aid quickly and effectively can be lifesaving as every second counts when someone has lost consciousness. CPR/FA training must be renewed every 2 years, to find a class near you use this link.
    • Have basic supplies: water, flashlight, first aid kit, extra batteries, radio, etc.
    • Be prepared for natural disasters, listen to EAS, NOAA weather radio or local alerting systems for current emergency information and instructions.