Please join us in congratulating Mercia and JoJo for Host Home Providers of the Month! The following nomination was produced by Rich Shaw with the Denver Metro 3 Team-
I would like to nominate Mercia and JoJo for Providers of the Month. They started working with Support Inc. by taking over from providers who were leaving the agency to pursue other things. After about a year, they became a home with three individuals. From the start, these Providers were eager to do the best job they could, not only by following the compliance requirements of being a Host Home, but also providing quality care to the individuals in their home. This was very evident when an individual in the home started having some major issues with their mental and physical health and needed round-the-clock support. These providers went though many difficulties and trials in trying to get the support needed from the medical professionals including the hospitals and ERs. They ran into many roadblocks and obstacles for several months, but never gave up when a lot of people would have. For high performance in compliance and dedication to this individual, they have received the Host Home Provider award.