The Clinical Department has been busy refining our processes and delivery of our counseling services over the past year. We are excited to begin offering new groups later this year in addition to our current offerings. One other area where our Clinical services have expanded is to be able to offer more Behavior Line Staff to support those adapting to new situations in their life.

Behavior Line Staff is used when persons receiving services are experiencing heightened clinical symptoms. Behavior line staff is a service that can be added to a service plan in addition to the other counseling services. It is used temporarily to support these individuals to remain in the community and to make choices with the support of a trained staff􀆯 member. This can look like going on shopping trips, safely riding in a vehicle, or adapting to a new day program. Behavior Line Staff utilize different interventions that have been selected by and overseen by one of our Clinicians to ensure positive outcomes. An example of this could be prompting someone while out shopping in a store each time they get in someone’s personal space or to assist in emotional regulation by co-regulating together by modeling the use of a coping skill. If you have any questions about Behavior Line Staff services or would like to request this service, please contact your team at Support Inc.