Untitled Design (43)

Excelling with Care and Compliance

Read the story below submitted by a Residential Coordinator at Support Inc. We like to highlight excellence as it relates to care and compliance and this story is perfect.

“My client B.B was chosen for a mock state audit last month. The timing was a bit tricky with the primary Host Home Provider (HHP), Canab, leaving the country a few days before the client was chosen and the co-provider, Mohammed, being onboarded two weeks prior to the primary HHP leaving. Mohammed knew B.B well but was still new to the compliance process. Mohammed was very open to the audit and was excited to work towards a good score. Mohammed assisted me every day with getting documents, making many calls, and ensuring that everything was buttoned up. Our audit score ended up being 99% because of one missing psych document. Mohammed called every day and left voicemails to get this document. Not only during this time did Mohammed focus on the audit, but he also ensured Brandon got into the community daily to do his favorite activities. In between their many mall trips (which is B.B’s favorite activity), Mohammed would stop by dentist, vision, and doctors to get paperwork that was missing. Though we did not get 100%, Mohammed gave 110%. It was such a pleasure to have this case chosen because it was able to show how great of a provider Mohammed was and see how dedicated he was to B.B and getting their case perfect.”