
Ray Succeeds With New Job and Driver’s License

Ray has had an eventful couple of months working towards two big goals. He got his driver’s license and a new job as a crossing guard.

Rays’ mom reports that he looks proud and happy in his bright crossing guard vest as he gets to work around one of his favorite things in the world- buses. He enjoys helping the kids cross the street, getting to be part of one of the most important public transportation systems in America, and having a flexible schedule to make it to his Smash Bros tournaments. When asked he said he wouldn’t rule out being a bus driver one day – especially now that he has his license.

Getting his license was the easy part he says, passing his mom’s driving lessons was not. Although he can drive himself now, he is not done with buses. His dream car would be for everyone to use the public transportation system so that it can expand and be taken everywhere. (If he had to pick it would be an RV because of the nice amenities). He especially likes the MAX bus in Fort Collins.

Congrats again, Ray, for reaching these major milestones!!