This is a tale of two amazing athletes receiving Support Inc. services – Aldo and Anthony – and how the Special Olympics brought together an entire community. Aldo is kind, caring and willing to try new experiences. Aldo tries his absolute best at every task he takes on, as does his Family Caregiver (FCG). In only a few months she mastered a role that was totally new to her in February. We were happy to learn that Aldo joined basketball with his brother at the Special Olympics since he enjoys being active and being outdoors. Both Aldo and his FCG were excited to try this opportunity, but what they didn’t expect was to find a community.

Aldo and his family heard about Support, Inc. through another Support, Inc. FCG and basketball coach, who also has a gifted athlete – Anthony! Anthony is someone who has worked extremely hard for what he’s achieved throughout his time with the Special Olympics. He has participated in many sports such as basketball and swimming but where Anthony really shined was in weightlifting. During his recent weightlifting season, he received many medals with his team The Rude Dogs. With his hard work and determination, he made it to the championship! This event took place in Grand Junction where his amazing family made an entire weekend of it. Anthony placed 4th in Dead Lift and Bench Press, then ultimately took home the bronze medal! His FCG couldn’t have been prouder of her son than seeing him walk up to receive a medal as the entire crowd cheered him on. Both Family Care Giver’s started Anthony and Aldo in Special Olympics to provide exercise and community engagement. At the same time, they created meaningful bonds for themselves.

Completely by accident and for the first time in the Denver Metro Area Special Olympics, their basketball team formed a Special Olympics group made entirely of Latino families. They realized this was something unique and became a tight-knit group, who decided to stay together through their future Special Olympics seasons.  They call themselves Grupo Familiar Latino. The hard work and dedication that these families pour into their team is inspirational, especially Anthony’s Mom. She has been an amazing coach, making time every week to hold practices and attend every competition as her team’s biggest fan! Her commitment to supporting Anthony really showed in this past championship tournament. The companionship and mentorship that Aldo’s Mom has found through this group has been invaluable to her as a family caregiver new to the DD-waiver. She says for the first time, she doesn’t feel alone in the blessings and struggles that have come with raising Aldo and caring for a child with autism. We are extremely excited to see what the next season brings for these two Olympians!

¡Vamos Grupo Familiar Latino!