BACPAC Royal Gorge Train Ride

The Support Inc. BACPAC program is planning a day trip on the Royal Gorge Route Railroad! Please read below for more details and if interested reach out to Rich at Richard.Shaw@supportinc.com for more information!

What is it- Relax into comfortably cushioned high-back seats with expansive picture windows that showcase the pristine views throughout Colorado’s grandest canyon- Royal Gorge!

When- May 18th. Train departs at 12:30pm. Ride lasts 2 hours. Depart the Aurora office at 7am, arrive in Canyon City at 9:30am. Return to Aurora office around 6pm.

Cost- $79-89/person with lunch provided.

RSVP with Rich (Contact info. above)




Caregiver Resources

How to Work Small Moments of Joy Into Your Day


Now’s the time to start making summer plans- check out this article on Adaptive Summer Sports in Colorado

Free Upcoming Events in May-

Northern Colorado


Southern Colorado and Pueblo


Don’t forget to join our Monthly Caregiver Group to engage with like-minded families and providers at Support, Inc! Our next meeting will be held on May 17th at 11:00 a.m. and we will have a guess speaker to talk about Special Needs Trusts, ABLE accounts, etc. Please see the details below to join us online.

Join Zoom Meeting



And last but not least, here’s a recommended activity for this month-try a new Spring Salad recipe! There’s so many yummy foods coming into season right now. I thought a few of these ideas sounded great!

Spring Salads Ready in Three Steps or Less


Welcome New hire

New Residential Coordinators

We are excited to announce and introduce three new Residential Coordinators who recently joined the Support Inc. family! Please read more about Nathalie, Jennifer and Celena below.
Hi, my name is Nathalie! I moved to Denver last summer from New York City after teaching 7th grade math in the Bronx. I got a degree in Mathematics and Education from Manhattan College. I came to Denver to take a break from the city and enjoy more outdoor activities. I’m originally from Austin, Texas, and enjoy visiting my family there. I’m excited to transition away from classroom teaching and explore other rewarding positions. In my free time, I like hiking, salsa dancing, and pottery making. I’m eager to join the team and look forward to meeting everyone soon.
My name is Jennifer and I am a Colorado Native (Southern Cheyenne), singer/poet, single mom of two amazing people and Food Bank volunteer, among many other things. This past year has seen a lot of change and long-awaited accomplishments. As I rounded the corner of my 50th birthday, I completed my Bachelor’s Degree, established an annual scholarship to be awarded to Denver Metro youth, ran my first 5k (Okay, there was pumpkin pie at the end of the race – contributing factor, maybe . . .?), and climbed my first 14er with two other 50 year olds. I made the bittersweet decision to leave my long career as a teacher and join Support, Inc. to be part of more wholistic support for people with IDD. You may be able to see a thread of rainbow over my shoulder in this picture from the summit of Mt. Sherman. I feel that is a harbinger for positive work to come as a RPC, because just like these monumental events, this leap into a new role came with plenty of trepidation and perspiration. Knowing what I do about the Support, Inc. community, already I feel certain it will come with beautiful summits too. Thank you for the opportunity!

Hi everyone! My name is Celena. I was raised in Fort Morgan, a small town here in Colorado. I lived in Washington state for a couple of years while I went to school for my Associate of Arts degree, and I am very happy to be back in my home state! I have worked in day programs as a caregiver/QMAP before and I am currently going to school for my BSN so I am eager to start learning more of the administrative side of things here at Support Inc. In my free time I like going to concerts, being active outdoors with my daughter Adalyn, traveling, and going to basketball games (go Nuggets!) I‘m excited to meet everyone soon!

HHP of month 2

April HHP of the Month!

Please join us in congratulating Jon Moir, the April Host Home Provider of the month!

Jon was nominated for Host Home Provider of the Month by the Denver Metro 2 Team. According to Residential Coordinator, Raymond, Jon makes the nomination choice extremely easy with his consistency and longevity. Jon is always on top of everything and on the rare occasion that I need to ask him for something he will respond quickly. Jon has expressed that D is like his family member and he takes care of her as if she were! With the help of D’s awesome parents, both guardian and HHP are always in sync to ensure D is safe and all appointments are taken care of. Recently, with the roll out of our new SCOMM’s, as I was training Jon on how we planned to change things, and he had already taken initiative of how to effectively implement his HHP duties! I would again like to say to Jon, thank you for always taking care of business and being committed to being your best. Your great attitude and attention to detail is the foundation of D’s success. Congratulations on being nominated for HHP of the month!

Ryan Pic 2

Ryan Celebrates a Year Living Independently

Ryan Berg switched residential agencies to work with Support Inc., seeking to live an independent lifestyle in an apartment setting. Ryan has been with Support Inc. for a little over a year and has been such a great addition to the Support Inc. Family. Throughout the year Ryan has been thriving living on his own, utilizes all his services, communicates well with his team members and gets himself out into the community by choosing to participate in events that sparks his interests. Some of those events include participating as an athlete with Colorado`s Special Olympics, volunteering as a traffic monitor for his Church on Sundays or hanging out with friends and his brother. Ryan has been working with Argus Event Security for
over 5 years and is seeking a permanent position with them in the future. Ryan is a great role model to all our individuals that seek to live independently and live life to the fullest. The attached picture is from the 2023 opening game for the Rockies, which he attended with his brother! They are also planning a trip together this Summer. Congratulations to Ryan for his past, current and future successes!

Finance Pic. 4.23

Finance Department News

The Finance Department

The start of this year has been busy with the implementation of a couple major payment process changes. We are excited to offer more frequent and efficient methods of payment for our providers, vendors and people in services. The updates made so far include the implementation of bi-weekly payroll for our HHPs, and more visibility and autonomy when generating payments through bill.com.

Bill.com: Improving Ease of Pay

Bill.com is an accounts payable automation software that helps us streamline processing payments. What does this do for us? It allows us to get more clarity, security, and personalization with the payments we process for our payees. This also enables payees to have more control over how they are paid as they can update the banking information, address, or contact information we have on file in real time. Additionally, it enables payees to see what invoices we have processed, are currently processing, and have not yet received. For help setting up and accessing your payee account, e-mail us at accountspayable@supportinc.com.

Moving provider payments to ADP

In line with what we announced last year, we have begun the process of moving the payment method for our Host Home Providers and Family Care Giver Independent Contractors into ADP. This is a three-step process. First, transitioning our HHPs to a bi-weekly pay schedule, then finalizing the creation of the ADP platform for them, finally repeating the process for our FCG-ICs. As it stands, our HHPs have transitioned to a bi-weekly pay schedule enabling them to begin seeing payment for their work sooner each month. We are very excited about this transition as it marks the potential for our HHPs to experience an increase in ease of bill payment, and financial management. We are currently working closely with our HR team and the ADP developers to finalize the move into ADP. Once we have our HHPs fully settled in ADP we will focus on the third wave of the process which will include our FCG-ICs.

What is ADP?

ADP is a self-service portal where you can maintain your banking information, access historical payment records and upload compliance documents. We wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone that the most efficient way to receive payment from us is to sign up for ACH (or direct deposit).

More on HHP Bi-Weekly Pay

Below is the pay schedule our HHPs are currently following. The first two dates clarify the date range they are being paid for. The third date is when they can expect to see that direct deposit in their account. Please note that if you are set up for physical checks rather than direct deposit, you are subject to the processing times of the US Postal Service impacting when your check arrives. Again, we encourage everyone to sign up for ACH (or direct deposit)

If this schedule is still unclear, please e-mail us at accountspayable@supportinc.com where we will be happy to respond to your questions and requests.

Support, Inc. Host Home Providers Payment Schedule
Attendance Period Starts Attendance Period Ends Pay Date
1/1/2023 1/20/2023 1/27/2023
1/21/2023 1/27/2023 2/3/2023
1/28/2023 2/3/2023 2/10/2023
2/4/2023 2/17/2023 2/24/2023
2/18/2023 3/3/2023 3/10/2023
3/4/2023 3/17/2023 3/24/2023
3/18/2023 3/31/2023 4/7/2023
4/1/2023 4/14/2023 4/21/2023
4/15/2023 4/28/2023 5/5/2023
4/29/2023 5/12/2023 5/19/2023
5/13/2023 5/26/2023 6/2/2023
5/27/2023 6/9/2023 6/16/2023
6/10/2023 6/23/2023 6/30/2023
6/24/2023 7/7/2023 7/14/2023
7/8/2023 7/21/2023 7/28/2023
7/22/2023 8/4/2023 8/11/2023
8/5/2023 8/18/2023 8/25/2023
8/19/2023 9/1/2023 9/8/2023
9/2/2023 9/15/2023 9/22/2023
9/16/2023 9/29/2023 10/6/2023
9/30/2023 10/13/2023 10/20/2023
10/14/2023 10/27/2023 11/3/2023
10/28/2023 11/10/2023 11/17/2023
11/11/2023 11/24/2023 12/1/2023
11/25/2023 12/8/2023 12/15/2023
12/9/2023 12/22/2023 12/29/2023
12/23/2023 1/5/2024 1/12/2024


We, the Finance Team, want to give a big thank you to all our Department Teammates, Support Leadership, Directors, Associate Directors, Coordinators, Direct Support Professionals, Providers and Caregivers. We are so grateful to each one of you for partnering with us.  We appreciate your patience as we encounter challenges that arise from the implementation and integration of new systems.  As part of the Support Family, you have our commitment to bring you the best customer service possible.

QA COrner

Personal Property Inventory- The why and how

This month we are focusing on personal property inventory and some tips to maintaining inventory! Every person
receiving services who lives in a host home or independent apartment needs to have a complete personal property inventory in Therap.

Why is it necessary to maintain an inventory?
1. Waiver participants receive personal needs funds from social security. Colorado Department of Public Health
and Environment (CDPHE) regulations require that when a person receives these funds there must be a
complete, accurate and current inventory of all the persons’ belongings.
2. If the person ever moves, the RPC will review the inventory to assure all the person’s belongings have been
moved with them.
3. Maintaining an accurate and current inventory reduces discrepancies over who an item belongs to and assists in
the resolution of disputes and/or missing belongings.
4. If your home ever experienced a natural disaster such as, fire, flooding, tornado, etc, this inventory serves as
documentation of the person’s possessions which would assist in the recovery/ reimbursement of destroyed

Tips to maintaining the person’ inventory:
1. At the end of each month, when organizing the person’s receipts to turn into Support, Inc. go into the persons
Therap personal property inventory and log each new item they purchased.
2. Each month, review the inventory with the person. If there are items they have donated or thrown away, update
the inventory to indicate the date and reason.


Celebrating Stephan and Melissa’s Special Day!

Support, Inc. Helps Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Live Life to the Fullest! Please read about Stephan and Melissa’s wedding below.

“The Support, Inc. team utilizes a unique, whole-person approach that allows our caregivers to develop a deep understanding of each individual’s needs,” explains Kayla Ribron, Associate Director with Support, Inc. “We work with each of our individuals to identify and set manageable goals to help them make their dreams a reality. For Stephan Fury and Melissa Allen this meant finally having the wedding of their dreams after being together for five years.”

Stephan and Melissa have mild intellectual disabilities. The couple worked with Ribron, the Residential Coordinator at the time, and their Support, Inc. care team to plan the wedding. Melissa wanted the big event to have a country feel – she wanted to wear cowboy boots and incorporate the colors black, white and turquoise. It was also important to the couple to have the ceremony near water since that is where Melissa feels closest to her mother who passed away.

“We worked together to decide on a location for the ceremony and the reception,” says Ribron. “The special couple led the planning, tasted and picked the food, and enjoyed every moment. It was my pleasure to accompany Melissa and her maid of honor to the bridal boutique to try on and pick out her wedding dress. We even had a video call with Stephan’s mom to make sure she got to be a part of the experience. It was so special and such a privilege to accompany her on that special day.”

In September of 2022, Stephan and Melissa had a beautiful wedding ceremony and reception. Their families traveled from near and far to be there.

“The Support, Inc. team specializes in designing innovative creative budgets so the individuals and families we serve can utilize their waiver funds in the most person-centered way,” says Ribron. “Because of our unique structure, we were able to use Stephan and Melissa’s waiver budget to pay for the wedding including their honeymoon trip to travel to Galveston. Throughout their relationship, Stephan and Melissa have supported each other through thick and thin. They recently moved into a new apartment and are loving it. The love these two have for one another is unmatched. They help each other grow and learn and really listen to each other’s needs. It has been a joy to see their love and union grow and I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for them.”

CO Springs Luncheon

Colorado Springs Event!

The Denver-Colorado Springs Team at Support, Inc. will be hosting a luncheon, and meet and greet on 4/19. You and your individual are welcome to come! Meet the DCS Team and connect with other providers and others throughout Support, Inc. We will be serving lunch and having a raffle. We will also have some activities for folks who would like to join.