Making the most of the day, every day.
day Services
We offer day programs for adults with disabilities and special needs near you. We provide many opportunities for individual and community services group social activities, life skills development, work experience and individual support through both our efforts, as well as through community partnerships. The Day Program, located in Aurora, provides onsite activities and community events throughout the Denver Metro Area, while the Community Access Program hosts activities and events throughout the entire front range.
Day Program - Aurora
No matter who you are, every day is worth experiencing to the fullest.
We believe that if you engage the mind, the body will follow. As the cornerstone to our Day Program designed for adults with disabilities and special needs, we place a high value on stimulating activities and interactions, while also offering therapeutic benefits. Whether it’s at our main location or with any number of community-focused interactions with community service groups, we know that by carefully integrating sensory experiences, thoughtful communication and coping strategies, we’re creating a fertile environment for growth and discovery.
community access programs
Whatever your interest is, we likely have a connection.
Regardless of where you are in all of our service areas, chances are we have something happening near you – either through Support, Inc. or our partner community service groups. We seek to create activities, partnerships, and opportunities beyond traditional day program services. Opportunities are abundant to engage the mind, body, or just simply have fun.