Please join us in congratulating our August Family Caregiver of the Month- Julie Dobler! Julie (and her husband, Dan) are very kind, energetic, attentive, and overall wonderful caregivers to their daughter. Whether it be finding a Summer Camp, or a new Day Program, Julie is continuously trying to find new and fun experiences for her daughter. Julie is an exemplary example of an advocating parent and enjoys sharing things with the team to help us find the services and experiences that are the best fit for her. Julie works hard to ensure that there is no stone left unturned and plays a huge role in ensuring that we have all the information to get HRC packets approved and is very diligent with getting her documentation and tracking turned in. Thank you, Julie (and Dan), for all of your hard work, communication, and most of all the exemplary love and care that you give your daughter! Congratulations again on being named our August Family Caregiver of the month!!!