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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the DD Waiver in Colorado

Often times we encounter families that are new to the DD waiver in Colorado and services in general. We are always happy to answer any questions you may have, even if it pertains to other waivers we do not serve. Although we may not know the answers to everything, the Intake Team is well-equipped to answer your questions. With a combined 60 years experience in the field, we’re well-connected to community partners along the Front Range and the Eastern Plains.

Reach out to Intake@supportinc.com for specific questions concerning unique situaitons. For broader and more general questions, please refer to the guide below.

 1. What is the DD waiver?

The DD Waiver stands for Developmental (and Intellectual) Disabilities and has been a tremendous resource for the people we serve and their families. Some of the benefits you can receive on the waiver include a budget to be spent one of three ways: Family Caregiver, Host Home or PCA (Personal Care Alternative aka an individual living on their own in the community). There’s additional funding as well to cover things such as behavioral/clinical services, job coaching, supported community connections and more.


We are happy to chat with you if you have any questions about services. Please contact Intake@supportinc.com for more details. Our Intake Team has a combined 57 years’ experience in the field. We offer free no-pressure consultations over the phone and online and we’re used to dealing with unique situations.


2. Brief history on the waiver

The waiver was introduced in the state of Colorado in 1983 as part of a national effort to move people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilites from institutions to community-based settings. Over the last 40 years, the field has grown larger. The Family Caregiver program was specifically introduced back in 2008 and fully implemented in 2010. We still have a ways to go as agencies across the state continue to make improvements by meeting the requirements of the new Case Management Redesign.


Support, Inc. is well equipped to handle these changes thanks to our Quality Assurance Department. We seamlessly adapt to change as the landscape for Intellectual and Developmental disability services continues to improve.


3. Case Management Redesign

Conflict Free Case Management (CFCM) is a federal mandate from Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) under the Federal Final Settings Rule. The rule requires there be a separation between case management agencies (formerly known as Community Center Boards, now referred to as Case Management Agencies) and direct services. This means, a company cannot provide both case management services and program services (provided by PASAs- Program Approved Service Agencies) , such as residential, day services or behavioral services to the same person. Many of Colorado’s CCBs had been providing both case management and program services and are now required to eliminate this conflict of interest.


The efforts of The Department of Health Care Policy and Finance (HCPF) to comply with federal requirements of (CFCM) have evolved into initiatives called Case Management Redesign.

The implementation of this process is nearly complete for most CCBs, now known as Case Management Agencies. We closely monitor changes and strive to maintain excellent communication with case managers and their agencies.

If you are struggling to reach your case manager in a timely manner, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at intake@supportinc.com We have a wealth of information and can research your questions for you, if you need additional assistance.


4. How to apply for the DD waiver

To apply for the DD waiver, you need to contact your county’s Case Management Agency. This website includes a list of counties. Once you find your county, reach out to them to get started. https://hcpf.colorado.gov/case-management-agency-directory


5. What happens if myself or my loved one doesn’t fit in the DD category?

Rest assured; Colorado offers access to other waivers for different needs. You can find more information at this link: https://hcpf.colorado.gov/hcbs-waivers


Again, please don’t hesitate to contact us about the DD waiver. We’ve helped many families navigate the Case Management Redesign. We are here to help!





