Please join us in congratulating our recent Host Home Providers of the Month, Berthy Pondaag!

The following write-up was produced by the Denver Metro Three Team:
Denver Metro 3 (Team Hypernova) would like to nominate Berthy Pondaag and co-provider Jacqueline Lompolium for the HHP of the month award! They have continued to provide consistent and exemplary care to two of our most vulnerable individuals. Their patience while the team worked on methods to ensure the health and safety of one of their individuals to provide them with the least restrictive, most inclusive environment is admirable.
Time and time again, they’ve shown their ability to go above and beyond to ensure documentation is completed accurately and in a timely manner, come up with solutions to ensure goals are being worked on and that the services being provided are carried out in the proper setting. Berthy and Jacqueline have worked hard to make sure their individuals live their best lives while still following all protocols and doctor’s orders. The last few months have not been easy but one thing is for certain, their quality of care for their individuals has never wavered. We want to thank you both for the work you do and let you know we appreciate you!