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SH is the Change!

When SH decided to find a therapist for personal counseling last fall, she knew that finding a counselor with disabilities was important to a good fit. She looked for months, through various avenues like her medical providers, her insurance, friends and family, but could not find a single therapist with disabilities. Rather than giving up, SH decided that she would fill that role and become a therapist for others with disabilities, even if she has to be the first one.

She is enrolled at Arapahoe Community College to start her studies in the Spring 2025 semester. This step is just one example of the way she lives her life in determined advocacy for herself and others with disabilities. With the persistence she floods into pursuing her goals, we feel certain SH is going to better the field she studies and we wish her much success.  Thank you SH for inspiring us to be the change we want to see in the world!