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Becky’s Bathroom Renovation

We would like to congratulate person receiving services, Becky Krekow, and her Brother/Family Caregiver, Marty Krekow for their hard work in getting their recent bathroom renovation completed. As her Brother, Marty has always made sure Becky has all the supports needed for her to thrive in her home and in the community. This home renovation was not an easy one, but he made sure to reach out and make it happen! Please read a little message below from Marty:

“Becky needed a bathroom modification from a tub to a step-in shower with a seat for her bathing and personal hygiene needs. Her ability to enter and exit the bathtub had become increasingly more difficult as her slips and falls have also become more frequent. I was worried about Becky’s safety while bathing and possibly getting injured. As her brother and FCG, I’m looking out for Becky’s safety and well-being so she can maintain her health and most importantly her independence. I would like to recognize and give credit to all those involved that helped Becky receive a safe and comfortable way to maintain her personal hygiene and keep her independence.  The staff at Support Inc. (Paulyn, Ashley and Katie) and Developmental Pathways (Miranda Brinkman and Alexis Aviles) helped us navigate through the process to achieve the modification.”

Thanks to everyone for their hard work and congratulations to Becky on her new and improved bathroom!!

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February Family Caregiver of the Month!

We would like to congratulate and nominate Kalyn Berghoefer, for Family Caregiver of the month! Kalyn moved to Colorado last year to become the family caregiver to her younger brother, Jack. Being able to witness the bond between Kalyn and Jack is incredibly special. According to their Residential Coordinator, Kalyn is one of the sweetest and most kind-hearted people we’ve had the pleasure of getting to know. She advocates for Jack and makes sure his voice is the loudest in the room, always emphasizing that his choice matters. It’s been wonderful to see their relationship shine in their time with Support Inc.

One of the biggest events that Jack looks forward to is his triathlon, but he had to miss it this past year due to being sick. Kalyn and the family knew how important this was for Jack, so they created a triathlon specifically for him and he was able to participate while they cheered him on. Kalyn is always coming up with ways to celebrate Jack’s accomplishments and making sure he doesn’t miss out on the activities he loves. Kalyn, you have the sweetest heart and offer unwavering support to not only Jack, but everyone around you. Congrats on being nominated as our February Family Caregiver of the month!!!

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Host Home Provider of the Month

Please join us in congratulating Nancy for Host Home Provider of the Month! The following details were provided by her Residential Program Coordinator-

I would like to nominate Nancy Rogers-Fleming for host home provider of the month! I have been working with Nancy for about three years now, and it’s truly been a privilege! I remember my first time meeting Nancy and PRS Amy, was while I was shadowing another RPC.  It had been maybe the 2nd or 3rd visit I had shadowed, and I was nervous jumping into my new role. Nancy, however, was very quick to make me feel comfortable and welcome.  She took the time to tell me little details about Amy, the things she liked, disliked, activities she was participating in, shared photos, etc. This was especially important to me, because it allowed me to get to know Amy who’s nonverbal a lot quicker than I could have ever imagined, but also gave me a glimpse into the type of provider Nancy is.

Nancy has been a provider to Amy for 12 years, and as you can imagine Amy is a very important and loved member of Nancy’s family. This is very evident through the family tradition they have started together. One of my favorite traditions they’ve shared with me has been raising caterpillars every year and releasing butterflies on Mother’s Day. Amy looks forward to this every year and it’s a very special moment her and Nancy share together.

Nancy does a phenomenal job making sure Amy is heard and her needs are met. Whether that be through encouraging her to communicate through her DynaVox, ASL, or simply her body language and facial expressions. Nancy always ensures she advocates for Amy and provides unconditional love, support, and quality care. She is a provider that genuinely cares for the PRS in her home. Nancy has also assisted DM2 with respite needs have been very difficult to fill. Allowing other HHPs to receive much needed breaks, all the while providing excellent care for the PRS. Nancy has provided an individual she frequently respites for with an additional home he feels comfortable in, which has not been an easy task.  We truly appreciate her dedication and hard work, thank you for being such an amazing provider and someone we know we can count on!

FCG month

July Family Caregiver of the Month!

We want to congratulate Rae Jean Lunn-Nix for being nominated as our July Family Caregiver of the month!!!

To meet Rae and her sister Diana and see the love they have for each other as sisters is an undeniable bond. Rae became her sister’s legal guardian after their mother passed. Rae was just 25 years old at the time and did not have any children of her own. It was a promise she made to her mother and has kept to this day. When you go into their home there are so many beautiful arts and crafts projects that Rae has done. She is so creative and talented. She is a strong voice and advocate for Diana as she is unable to verbally communicate for herself.  She is constantly looking at new ways to provide adequate support for Diana. Rae was looking into ways to monitor Diana’s health and safety while she is at day program and taught everyone about an Oura ring that monitors vitals through an app. Rae also published a book herself, and even painted the front cover.  She has lived through so much pain and tragedy and through it all is a warm compassionate person. This book is one that you just can’t put down!  Thank You so much Rae for loving your sister and providing the care you do; you truly are inspiring!!

If you’re interested in Rae’s book, which is a memoir about her life and caring for her sister Diana, please follow the link below.

My Family’s Story of Love and and Perseverance: A Memoir: Lunn-Nix, Rae Jean, Lunn-Nix, Rae Jean: 9798328438568: Amazon.com: Books

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Clinical Department News and Updates

This summer, our Clinical Department has welcomed four new interns to our team.  Lindsay and Gillian are our occupational therapy interns, who are working toward their doctoral degrees from Colorado State University.  They were able to work with many of our clients this summer. They brought fresh ideas and perspectives to their person-centered interventions while also utilizing their OT training. Gillian and Lindsay will be moving on to continue their degrees in the fall back at CSU.  We also have two counseling interns, Anne and Madison, who are earning their Master’s degrees at the University of Denver and they will be with us throughout the year. They have been able to jump right into applying the counseling skills they have learned in school. They both bring in their own personal counseling styles, infusing empirically backed interventions with new ideas and enthusiasm.

Our interns have helped us to expand our clinical services and offer fun and unique groups at places such as the aquarium, restaurants, and more! We are also planning to increase our clinical services with our interns taking the lead to facilitate even more opportunities for our clients. We are so excited that they have joined and helped our team. We can’t thank them enough!

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Sasha Hits the Slopes!

While many of us have been feeling the winter blues, one of our individuals in services, Sasha, has been enjoying the winter at Breckenridge Resort hitting the slopes! When Sasha isn’t water skiing in the summer, he is skiing the wonderful Colorado mountains in the winter. We love to see the opportunities Sasha’s Family Caregivers provide him. If you see Sasha on the mountain, say hello! That is, if you can catch him 😉!

QA COrner

QA Corner: Case Management Redesign & Conflict Free Case Management

CONFLICT FREE CASE MANAGEMENT (CFCM): In 2014 Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services published the Federal Final Settings Rule requiring home and community-based services (HCBS)  meet certain criteria. As part of the rule, there must be a separation of case management services and direct services (residential, day program, employment, behavioral services, etc.). Entities cannot provide both case management and direct services to the same person. The efforts of the Department of Health Care Policy and Finance (HCPF) to comply with federal requirements of Conflict Free Case Management have evolved into several initiatives called Case Management Redesign.

CASE MANAGEMENT REDESIGN (CMRD): Case Management Redesign requires a Case Management Agency (CMA) to provide case management to all 10 Home and Community Based (HCBS) waivers offered in the State of Colorado. CMRD will simplify access to Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) by having one entity manage all HCBS programs. We are about halfway through the case management redesign process. Some transition timelines have been updated. Below is a graphic explaining each service area we work with, who the new case management agency (CMA) will be and which phase they are transitioning in.


Catchment Case Management Agency Transition Phase
Catchment Area 5:  

Arapahoe, Douglas, and Elbert Counties

Developmental Pathways (DP) Phase 1:

Aug. 1-Oct. 31, 2023

Catchment Area 6:  

Adams and Denver Counties

Rocky Mountain Human Services (RMHS) Phase 1:

Aug. 1-Oct. 31, 2023

Catchment Area 11:  

El Paso, Park, and Teller Counties

The Resource Exchange (TRE) Phase 1:

Aug. 1-Oct. 31, 2023

Catchment Area 1:  

Cheyenne, Kit Carson, Lincoln, Logan, Morgan, Phillips, Sedgwick, Washington, and Yuma Counties

Northeastern Colorado Association of Local Governments (NECALG)  Phase 2:

Nov. 1, 2023 – Feb. 29, 2024

Catchment Area 9:  

Weld County 

Weld County Area Agency on Aging Phase 2:

Nov. 1, 2023 – Feb. 29, 2024 

Catchment Area 12:  

Pueblo County 

The Resource Exchange (TRE)  Phase 2:

Nov. 1, 2023 – Feb. 29, 2024

Catchment Area 10:  

Larimer County 

Foothills Gateway, Inc.  Phase 2:

Nov. 1, 2023 – Feb. 29, 2024

Catchment Area 7:  

Clear Creek and Jefferson Counties

Jefferson County Phase 3:

March 1-June 30, 2024

Catchment Area 8:  

Boulder, Broomfield, and Gilpin Counties

Adult Care Management, Inc. (ACMI) Phase 3:

March 1-June 30, 2024


Along with the change in Case Management Agencies, the state will also be transitioning to the Person-Centered Support Plan (PCSP) which will serve as the plan for all HCBS services and is relacing the current Service Plan (SP). HCPF has also created a new level of care screening and needs assessment. The state anticipates these new tolls will be implemented in February 2024.



New Residential Program Coordinator!

Please join us in giving a warm welcome back to Denver Metro-4’s newest Residential Program Coordinator (RPC), Brett Lopez!!

“Hello everyone! My name is Brett Lopez, and I am excited and grateful to be back. I previously worked at Support Inc. from 2011 to 2019. I worked in Day Program as a DSP and eventually worked my way up to the RPC position. After 5 years away, I realized how much I missed being with a company that truly cares about people. My hobbies include a lot of dancing. I currently dance with a Bollywood/Bhangra dance company, and we do different gigs throughout Denver. I am also in the process of being a dance instructor for the studio I dance at. When I’m not tied up with that, I enjoy being up in the mountains hiking or camping. 2024 is going to be a great year and I’m excited to be working with such a great team!”

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Family Caregiver Town Hall

Please join our Operations Team on November 30th, 11am for our Family Caregiver Town Hall. This meeting will occur virtually on Zoom. The agenda is filled with updates regarding Support, Inc., and Pueblo Community Resources news, as well as reminder for upcoming events, staff appreciation and recognition, and an opportunity to connect and ask questions. For more information and the zoom link please contact info@supportinc.com