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Caregiver Burnout Resources

At Support, Inc., we understand how challenging it can be to find resources when dealing with burnout. We offer a variety of community-based services and care options for families and caregivers who have adult children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. These options are also ideal for children with disabilities who are 18 and have previously been receiving services through the Children’s Extensive Support (CES) waiver. Just as no two people are the same, neither are their specific needs for in home care. Whether that’s as a full time resident in a host home, in a family home, or their own home or apartment, Support, Inc.’s spectrum of options and opportunities is designed to offer stability, progress and, of course, safety. Because each situation is unique, and we approach it in this way. Our staff will adapt their approach to each individual and family’s specific needs as our guide, while building a strong partnership for many years to come.

Taking into careful consideration each person’s individual needs, we work with each family and individual we serve to provide the best residential environment for everyone involved. Our residential services include the following three programs. The adults with disabilities programs we provide remain unmatched in the service industry. Colorado disability services are important to us, and we do everything we can to meet each family’s unique and specialized needs.

Host Home:

Our host home providers are committed to providing a nurturing, supportive and safe home atmosphere that allows for growth and discovery. Residents will have an opportunity to thrive in a secure, caring environment and be more engaged in the world around them.

Providers are pre-screened through background and reference checks, as well as home safety inspections. They also receive extensive, ongoing training in the intellectual and developmental disabilities field and have access to additional support and oversight from a residential program coordinator, nurse, clinician and public benefits specialist.

Reach out to us directly to learn more about caretaker pay.

Family Caregiver Program:

Through the Family Caregiver Act, family caregivers may be eligible for both financial and non-financial support. We are often asked “Can a family member get paid to be a caregiver” and the answer is YES. Colorado Family Caregivers have the option to choose between the employee and independent contractor route. The Support, Inc. team gives families maximum flexibility to create an individualized plan tailored to their needs. Families can:

  • Pay a family caregiver to provide care for a loved one
  • Hire a non-family caregiver to provide care
  • Cover or reimburse costs related to life events and needs outside of traditional staffing

We also provide:

  • Screening for non-family caregivers
  • Residential support and respite care options matched to the family’s level of need
  • Training for family and non-family care givers
  • Competitive pay rate, flexible budgets and access to our employee benefits plan and 24-hour support line
  • Support group for family caregivers

Please reach out to learn more about our care taker pay. We’re also happy to relay caretaker documentation samples.

Independent Apartment Living Program:

We help individuals find apartments that meets their unique needs. We also assist with general care and skills development, such as grocery shopping, medical appointments, transportation and provide a 24-hour support line. The assisted living for disabled young adults is something we pride ourselves on providing- it is truly a pleasure to work with individuals living independently in the community.

For more information on our residential services and the DD waiver in Colorado, please contact Brian Slusarz at info@supportinc.com or click here to complete our contact form. The disability caregiver in Colorado is not a position that we take lightly; great disability service providers in Colorado can be hard to come by. But our disability program for adults is absolutely excellent and we hope to hear from you soon! We’re very familiar with home and community based services. It would be an honor to provide disability services to you and your family.

For Caregiver Resources related to burnout, please follow the links below-


Mayo Clinic

Kaiser Permanente

HHP of the Month

Host Home Provider of the Month

Please join us in congratulating our most recent Host Home Provider of the Month, Rosie! This nomination was submitted by Malika with the Denver Metro 2 Team.

I would like to nominate Raj (Rosie) Shrestha for December HHP of the Month. I have been working with Rosie since February and it’s been such a pleasure! She has a huge heart and is very patient, two things that are extremely important working in this field. Rosie has one of my PRS in her home who was really looking forward to having independence in a basement apartment. Many times, this individual would get frustrated that they didn’t have their own space, but Rosie made sure to be a listening ear and reassure them their goal would happen it would just take some time.  With open communication and a bit of problem solving the PRS was able to move down to the basement and accomplish their goal of more independence! The move was very important to the PRS and is helping prepare for their end goal of living in their own apartment, a goal Rosie continues to encourage and support.

Rosie truly treats everyone in her home like family, and it’s felt when walking in her home. She’s always offering everyone tea, food, etc.  On many occasions the PRS has voiced they’ve had the best food at Rosie’s home and loves trying authentic Nepali food. The PRS has even helped on their Nepali/Indian food truck up in Loveland and enjoys being able to earn extra money to help with their goal of independence as well. The PRS has said “Rosie feels a lot more like a friend/roommate because she allows me to have my independence”. Rosie is a great asset to the team, and I’m very appreciate of all the hard work she does!

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Host Home Provider of the Month

Please join us in congratulating our most recent Host Home Providers of the Month!!

The Denver Metro 4 team would like to nominate Jared Bedard and Nicole Hooker for HHP of the month. Jared and Nicole have been no strangers to working with individuals with developmental disabilities, as both families have been working as HHP for numerous years. They are both amazing providers and partners who work so in sync with one another.

Jared and Nicole have been instrumental with providing supports to a person with high behavioral needs that we serve. When we first reached out to the Bedard/Hooker family asking to take a PRS who going through a very difficult time, they without hesitation agreed to help support him and a home. They also have two other PRS in home who without a doubt are so cared for and are family to them.

Overall, the Bedard/Hooker family are one in a million. The love they share for their PRS and their family is admiring. Without a doubt, they always make sure to get to the root problem and don’t just choose an “easy out”. Their person-centered approach has proven to be successful time and time again, meeting their individual’s unique and challenging needs. Throughout these last few years, this family has shown what amazing support they are. We are all so thankful for the amazing work that they provide!!

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Host Home Provider of the Month

Please join us in congratulating our recent Host Home Providers of the Month, Berthy Pondaag!

The following write-up was produced by the Denver Metro Three Team: 

Denver Metro 3 (Team Hypernova) would like to nominate Berthy Pondaag and co-provider Jacqueline Lompolium for the HHP of the month award!  They have continued to provide consistent and exemplary care to two of our most vulnerable individuals.  Their patience while the team worked on methods to ensure the health and safety of one of their individuals to provide them with the least restrictive, most inclusive environment is admirable.

Time and time again, they’ve shown their ability to go above and beyond to ensure documentation is completed accurately and in a timely manner, come up with solutions to ensure goals are being worked on and that the services being provided are carried out in the proper setting.  Berthy and Jacqueline have worked hard to make sure their individuals live their best lives while still following all protocols and doctor’s orders. The last few months have not been easy but one thing is for certain, their quality of care for their individuals has never wavered. We want to thank you both for the work you do and let you know we appreciate you!  

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Host Home Provider of the Month

Please join us in congratulating our recent Host Home Provider of the Month, Shaunti Kelley!!!

The following write-up was produced by RPC Sonny Everett:

“We are happy to recognize Shaunti Kelley as HHP of the month. From the start of her HHP role with Support, Inc. she has demonstrated so much love and care for her consumer. Shaunti has gone above and beyond to make Heather’s days creative and fun with all the arts and crafts, baking, playing games, community outings, keeping close communication with Heather’s family, but most importantly, just making Heather happy. We are very lucky to have Shaunti be a part of our Support team. Thank you Shaunti for all that you do!”

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Host Home Provider of the Month

Please join us in congratulating our final Host Home Provider of the Month for 2020, Alice Bomboma!The following write-up was produced by RPC Shanita Lloyd:

I am nominating Alice B for HHP of the month. Alice has my PRS in her home and we know she can have high expectations at times. Alice welcomed this person in her home with open arms and a big heart. Alice has not once complained about the individual’s long list of expectations of her perfect host home, she does everything with a warm smile on her face. The PRS has had issues with dogs in the past but Alice has allowed her to have her service dog in the home and from this, I have seen great improvement in symptoms. Alice is a great asset to the team and we are happy to have her.


Host Home Provider of the Month

Please join us in congratulating our recent Host Home Provider of the Month, Christine Silitonga.

The following write-ups were produced by our Denver Metro 3 Team:

We first met Christine Silitonga in July of 2019 when her PRS was discharged from Wheat Ridge Regional Center to her home. From day one, he was considered part of her family and enjoyed BBQ’s, parties and other activities with them when able. Although it was challenging in the beginning due to increased symptoms of dementia, Christine kept moving forward, showing her love and compassion for this individual as he struggled through numerous health issues. She was dedicated, worked around the clock and always kept a positive attitude. Christine was there day in and day out while this person endured multiple hospitalizations. Hospital staff would call Christine for assistance as they could see how strong their bond was. She could calm this person down when he was in pain and feed him when he wouldn’t eat for anyone else. Christine, his med proxy, and team at Support, Inc worked together to challenge medical decisions to ensure he got the best care possible. She was an advocate for him, showed the world that he had a will to live and that he most certainly had a good quality of life.

After a recent hospitalization, Christine went to great lengths to set up this person’s room as though he were at the hospital so she could provide continuous care to him in the comfort of his own home. Those who previously worked with this individual, his case manager at the CCB and his whole team at Support, Inc will be forever grateful for the love and compassion that he was shown at Christine’s home and we know that if he could tell us now, he would say that he lived his best life, right up until his last breath.
-Dani Gordon/Associate Director, Support, Inc.

Christine has been an exemplary provider since I first met her, and I had no doubt our PRS would get amazing care. From the get-go, she showed a willingness to care for him no matter the difficulty. As this person’s health began to decline, she did everything in her power to treat him with love and dignity and was a true advocate. She always put him first, including staying numerous days and nights in the hospital with him to ensure he got the best care possible. She took on an amazing amount of health assignments to keep this individual healthy and happy at home. She did these things until he eventually passed on, but we never doubted her love and commitment to him every single day. Christine deserves this as much as any person in this organization. Congratulations Christine 🙂
-Jared Trembly/RPC, Support, Inc

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Host Home Provider of the Month: Tenzing Lama

Please join us in congratulating our recent Host Home Provider of the Month, Tenzing Lama!

The following write-up was produced by RPC Katelyn Bruce on the Denver Metro 2 Team:

I first met Tenzing Lama when I was searching for a home for a client that was hard to place given her supervision requirements and financial struggles. Since moving in, Lama has done amazing with this client, including making her comfortable, encouraging her time with her daughter, and doing his best to get her financial issues taken care of. I was super new to this client but I hadn’t seen her happier than she is when I visit her at Lama’s home, which is why I’m nominating Tenzing Lama as HHP of the month. He is grateful and accommodating and always offers me the best green tea in the world when I come out to the home.

Thank you, Lama, for everything you’ve done and continue to do. (You guys, he also has two super tiny cute dogs that are a JOY to be around…. Hi Tommy!!!)


Provider Pay Day For May: Important Information and Updates

We know that routines like Host Home Provider pay day can be confusing with all of the current shutdowns. In an effort to honor the government requests for social distancing as well as our client’s fragile health, we will be mailing Host Home checks this month. Repeat, we are not handing checks out to any HHP, nor will anyone be able to pick them up at any office. HHP checks will be placed in the mail on Friday, April 24th. The intent is that Host Homes will receive the checks on or before May 1st. Providers may cash the checks as early as April 30th but remember the bank will reject any checks presented before April 30th.

We are aware that some HHP paychecks may be incorrect due to early check printing. We want to assure you that we will issue (and mail) corrections immediately when notified for any under payments and that we will reduce next month’s payments for any over payments.

We also want to let you know that we are mailing client personal needs funds (both cash and checks) along with bus passes too.

One final reminder, we are not sending bus passes this month because we mailed the passes to providers with the last pay day.  We do not intend to send bus passes until the Access-A-Ride services are up and running for a full month.

We will be available if you have any questions. And thank you for bearing with us while we navigate new routines and solutions together.