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Excelling with Care and Compliance

Read the story below submitted by a Residential Coordinator at Support Inc. We like to highlight excellence as it relates to care and compliance and this story is perfect.

“My client B.B was chosen for a mock state audit last month. The timing was a bit tricky with the primary Host Home Provider (HHP), Canab, leaving the country a few days before the client was chosen and the co-provider, Mohammed, being onboarded two weeks prior to the primary HHP leaving. Mohammed knew B.B well but was still new to the compliance process. Mohammed was very open to the audit and was excited to work towards a good score. Mohammed assisted me every day with getting documents, making many calls, and ensuring that everything was buttoned up. Our audit score ended up being 99% because of one missing psych document. Mohammed called every day and left voicemails to get this document. Not only during this time did Mohammed focus on the audit, but he also ensured Brandon got into the community daily to do his favorite activities. In between their many mall trips (which is B.B’s favorite activity), Mohammed would stop by dentist, vision, and doctors to get paperwork that was missing. Though we did not get 100%, Mohammed gave 110%. It was such a pleasure to have this case chosen because it was able to show how great of a provider Mohammed was and see how dedicated he was to B.B and getting their case perfect.”


Persevering and Gaining Independence

A desire for more independence is a common goal for IDD individuals. While we try to honor this as best we can, it takes perseverance and grit on the part of the individual to make the goal of independence a reality. Jessica Anderson has been receiving IDD services for 22 years, and she decided she wanted to live in an apartment by the time she turned 40. She found a complex she liked, made all the arrangements to view the apartment, and we began the complex process of transitioning her from her host home setting to her first apartment. Through many ups and downs and some tears, she moved into her new home one week after her birthday. She is having so much fun decorating and furnishing her place, and her confidence is soaring. It was a tough journey, but Jessica never gave up. The resilience of the people we serve is a consistent reminder of why we do this job, because we are dedicated to helping people. Congratulations, Jessica on this major accomplishment and thank you to everyone at Support Inc. who assisted along the way!!!



Nursing Department News & Updates

The nursing department recently conducted a webinar that outlined nursing services through Support Inc. To watch the webinar, and learn more about our innovative, outstanding nursing services, please watch the video below.

Nurse Team Webinar (youtube.com)

The Support Inc. nursing team has also gone through recent staff changes. check out the department below:

Morgan Struck (RN)- Associate Director of Nursing

Erin Gordan (RN)- Nurse Case Manager

Lauren Reed (RN)- Nurse Case Manager

Jamie Weidman- Medical Coordinator

Nicole Jordan- Medical Coordinator

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QA Department News & Updates

Changes to the individual service & support plan (ISSP):

If you’ve joined our provider town hall meetings you’ve heard about the many changes happening in the IDD system in Colorado. With all these changes, our regulations also needed to be updated. While there are many changes to our regulations, we want to take some time to talk about one major change to the individual services and support plan (ISSP) goals. Case Managers are no longer required to add ISSP goals to the service plan. Additionally, provider agencies are no longer required to develop and track formal ISSP goal programs. This has been a core function of the IDD system for many years and will take us some time to fully phase it out of our operating practices. We are still required to demonstrate that we are supporting people to achieve their goals. We will be doing the following over the next several months:

  1. We will work to discontinue current ISSP programs.
  2. We will stop checking ISSP requirements as part of our internal auditing beginning March 2024.
  3. By June 2024, we will solidify a plan to address how we demonstrate supports being provided to help people achieve their goals.
  4. We will remove the ISSP requirement across our internal tools over the next several months.
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Host Home Provider of the Month

Please join us in congratulating our February Host Home Provider of the Month- Atea Linga!!! Atea was nominated by the Denver Metro 4 Team who wrote the following: “Atea has been nothing but AMAZING during this year with a person receiving services (PRS). There are far too many amazing things to list about Atea, but we appreciate her continued care and commitment to make sure our PRS is safe and cared for. She continuously advocates for her PRS to make sure that she has the best quality of life possible. Atea has always been a rockstar Host Home Provider and is well deserving of this nomination. Thank you for all that you do, Atea!!

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Sasha Hits the Slopes!

While many of us have been feeling the winter blues, one of our individuals in services, Sasha, has been enjoying the winter at Breckenridge Resort hitting the slopes! When Sasha isn’t water skiing in the summer, he is skiing the wonderful Colorado mountains in the winter. We love to see the opportunities Sasha’s Family Caregivers provide him. If you see Sasha on the mountain, say hello! That is, if you can catch him 😉!

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Kyle Gets His Car Back!

We are happy to announce that one of our individuals in services, Kyle, got his car back recently! Over the past year, Kyle has worked extremely hard to maintain stability in his current host home, use his coping skills, and continue to be an active member in his community. Kyle has continued to show persistence, determination, and his eye on the prize – his car! Kyle’s team could not be prouder of him and his accomplishments throughout the past year. Congratulations Kyle, we are excited to see what the next steps toward your goals will be!

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QA News & Updates- IDD Awareness Month

March is Developmental Disability Awareness Month!

After the deinstitutionalization movement of the 1970’s and 1980’s, in 1987 Ronald Reagan declared March the month for National Developmental Disabilities Awareness.

The campaign seeks to raise awareness about the inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in all aspects of community life, as well as awareness of the barriers that people with disabilities still sometimes face in connecting to the communities in which they live.

Throughout the campaign, individuals with and without disabilities will share their experiences through stories, photos and videos. This year’s campaign theme is “A World of Opportunities”. We’re celebrating people and working together to remove obstacles. The goal is to build a community that’s committed to creating a world where everyone can do well and succeed. Join in making a world where all kinds of people have the chance to thrive. For more information on Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, visit https://nacdd.org/ddam1/

This year, Colorado’s IDD Awareness Day at the capitol will be on March 20th. There are opportunities to attend virtually or in-person.  You can register for the event using this link- 2024 IDD Awareness Day Luncheon (alliancecolorado.org)

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Support Options for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Support, Inc. offers a variety of community-based services and care options for famlies and caregivers who have adult childern with intellectual and developmental disabilities. These options are also ideal for children with disabilities who are 18 and have previously been receiving services through the Children’s Extensive Support (CES) waiver. Just as no two people are the same, neither are their specific needs for in home care. Whether that’s as a full time resident in a host home, in a family home, or their own home or apartment, Support, Inc.’s spectrum of options and opportunities is designed to offer stability, progress and, of course, safety. Because each situation is unique, and we approach it in this way. Our staff will adapt their approach to each individual and family’s specific needs as our guide, while building a strong partnership for many years to come.

Taking into careful consideration each person’s individual needs, we work with each family and individual we serve to provide the best residential environment for everyone involved. Our residential services include the following three programs.

Host Home:

Our host home providers are committed to providing a nurturing, supportive and safe home atmosphere that allows for growth and discovery. Residents will have an opportunity to thrive in a secure, caring environment and be more engaged in the world around them.

Providers are pre-screened through background and reference checks, as well as home safety inspections. They also receive extensive, ongoing training in the intellectual and developmental disabilities field and have access to additional support and oversight from a residential program coordinator, nurse, clinician and public benefits specialist.

Family Caregiver Program:

Through the Family Caregiver Act, family caregivers may be eligible for both financial and non-financial support. The Support, Inc. team gives families maximum flexibility to create an individualized plan tailored to their needs. Families can:

  • Pay a family caregiver to provide care for a loved one
  • Hire a non-family caregiver to provide care
  • Cover or reimburse costs related to life events and needs outside of traditional staffing

We also provide:

  • Screening for non-family caregivers
  • Residential support and respite care options matched to the family’s level of need
  • Training for family and non-family care givers
  • Competitive pay rate, flexible budgets and access to our employee benefits plan and 24-hour support line

Independent Apartment Living Program:

We help individuals find apartments that meets their unique needs. We also assist with general care and skills development, such as grocery shopping, medical appointments, transportation and provide a 24-hour support line.

For more information on our residential services, please contact Brian Slusarz at info@supportinc.com or click here to complete our contact form.