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Ben Enjoys a Night to Shine!

One of our individuals in services, Ben, recently participated in the Night to Shine dance that is done through the Tim Tebow foundation.  Ben had a great time the week before the dance going to Men’s Warehouse with his Host Home Provider, Cindy Neumann, to get fitted for his tux.  The highlight in getting fitted was the “shinny shoes” (he had a difficult time when it came to returning those shiny shoes!).  It was hard for Ben to wait a week until he was able to ware his Tux and those special ‘shiny shoes’ but when it came time for the dance, it was worth the wait.  Ben had a great time!!  He loved getting all dressed up and getting a boutonniere pinned on him.  He enjoyed getting to eat Chick-Fil-A who provided food for the event.  He met up with others from his day program and was able to socialize with all of them.  Ben received a crown that he wears all the time! It is safe to say that this event is very important and special to a lot of people, and it was a great night for Ben!! You can find more information about the Night to Shine using this link- Night to Shine | Tim Tebow Foundation

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Happy Holidays From Your Quality Assurance Department!

December ushers in the holiday season including Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah and the New Year. This is often a time of reflection as we contemplate our successes and challenges over the last year. If we could sum up 2024 in a few words, it would be a ‘year of change’. Services for people with IDD went through large scale changes in this last year.

  • Case Management Redesign required Colorado case management agencies to provide case management to all 10 Home and Community Based Service (HCBS) waivers as a means to simplify access to long-term services and supports. Within case management redesign, the Community Center Boards (CCB’s) were also transitioning to conflict free casement in which they could no longer provide both case management and direct services. This year the last 2 cohorts of Case Management Agencies (CMA) transitioned.


  • Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) abbreviated surveys: CDPHE spent this year conducting abbreviated surveys to catch up on several years of backlogged recertification visits to Program Approved Services Agencies (PASA’s). We had our recertification visit in April.


  • Updated/ New Regulations with the changes in Case Management Redesign came the need for the state to revise current regulations to align with the change to CMA’s. While the last minor revisions are going through final approval with the Medical Services Board, these updated regulations include changes for PASA’s.


As we look ahead to 2025, our system will have a few more large-scale changes.

  • NEW Person-Centered Support Plan (PCSP) & Colorado Single Assessment (CSA) tool to replace the current service plan (SP) and ULTC 1002. assessment. The new PCSP continues to outline the HCBS and long-term services and supports a person is receiving but the revised plan will be more person-centered and ensure better coordination of services. The new assessment will be a universal tool applicable to all people receiving HCBS services. Both tools will be implemented in 2025, HCPF is exploring a slow rollout and updates to the timing will be provided.

There was a lot of change this last year and our system is slated for more changes in 2025. Thank you for supporting the people we serve through all these changes. If you have questions or need assistance don’t hesitate to reach out, we are here to support you.


Kenny Ride on the Railroad!

Kenny recently took a fun weekend trip to the Georgetown loop railroad and had a blast! This has been a goal of his for about three years, so he was ecstatic that he was finally able to go. According to Kenny his love for trains started when he was a kid. He has always enjoyed watching movies that have trains because they look really cool. Kenny also usually likes to spend time watching YouTube videos on trains as well. HHP knew this was a goal of Kenny’s for a while and was able to take him up for the weekend. He even took some awesome pictures with Santa!


Michael’s Kitchen Renovation

Michael’s recent renovation has been deemed a success! Michael was happy to share his story with his team, Nate and Samantha.

Michael got some awesome home renovations this year! He got his cabinets and countertops remodeled. He advocated for his preferences and got exactly what he envisioned. With these renovations, Mike achieved one of his biggest home improvement goals!

Here are a few before and after photos!











And after:



Walk for Northern Colorado Down Syndrome Association

Support, Inc. recently joined a walk in Windsor hosted by the Northern Colorado Down Syndrome Association. Brian and Cathy first met Lori and Melinda at the respite retreat hosted by the newly rebranded ARC of Northeast Colorado back in July. What a nice coincidence to share a table at this gathering- the conversations they had together led Support, Inc. to host a booth at the walk earlier this month.

Cathy had a great time meeting new families and connecting with community partners. The Resource Fair allowed for members to learn more about the agencies in the area as they pertain to Down Syndrome. Cathy met a few new providers and relayed her contact information to anyone needing additional information on the DD waiver.

The best surprise of all was hearing Jillian Ball give her speech! Jillian is a current Person Receiving Services with Support, Inc. and such a wonderful keynote speaker. She will have you laughing and crying in one sitting. It was truly a pleasure to hear her address the crowd and we hope to catch her around again sometime soon!

Thanks again to the Northern Colorado Down Syndrome Association for allowing us to share a space with you during the walk recently. We greatly appreciated the opportunity to connect with community members and hope to join again next year!

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Finance Department Updates

The Finance Department: 

Greetings from the Finance Department! We are excited to introduce a new team member and provide an update on HHP payments and some projects we are focusing on. 

New Team Member: 

Please welcome Amy Baum, our new Office Manager. She joined Support, Inc. this month! “I am a Colorado native and mom of two wild teenage boys. I come from a large roofing Company where I worked as the assistant production manager for both our residential and commercial projects. I am new to the health care industry but am very excited to learn the ins and outs. When not at work, I enjoy being outdoors camping, or fishing. I have been blessed to travel to Kauai for the last several years and look forward to that trip over and over again.  I have a very spoiled English Bulldog, Chance, who also got to see Kauai our last trip there.  


I am very excited to join the team and look forward to working with everyone!” Swing by and meet Amy at the Aurora office. Amy is providing many of the same supports that her predecessor, Tammy, did. Answering your questions or directing concerns to the right department is just one important part of what she does. We are so happy to have her on our team, ensuring we provide the level of customer service we pride ourselves on. 

Final Update Moving Host Home Provider Payments to ADP: 

The transition to ADP for HHP payment is complete and has been in effect for about 3 months now. With this transition HHPs can access their personnel files, pay stubs, see and update their contact information or direct deposit information through a secure online portal. Vicki Stroud from HR lead a training to help familiarize HHPs with ADP and a video of the training is available upon request. Any questions HHPs have regarding the training or ADP payments can be directed to hradmin@supportinc.com 

We on the finance team want to give a huge thank you to the whole of HR and the Residential team who were instrumental in making this transition a successful and smooth one. 

The Remainder of 2024 for the Finance Team:  

With the end of the year rapidly approaching we are focused on optimizing our billing across the Support Network, automating and expanding the reporting available to upper management, chipping away at the denied claims list and eligibility challenges presented by the case management redesign and state system issues and preparing for the 2025 tax season. 


Common Question Topics for Finance and Where to Direct:   

Host Home Provider Payments – hradmin@supportinc.com 

FCG-IC Payments – accountspayable@supportinc.com 

FCG, Employee, and HHP Pay History – Can be found in your ADP Portal under “Myself”- “Pay”- “Pay & Tax Statements” 

Bill.com Questions/ Payee Account Set up – accountspayable@supportinc.com 

Verification of Income/Employment Requests for FCG-ICs – accountspayable@supportinc.com 

Verification of Income/Employment Requests for HHP – hradmin@supportinc.com 

Verification of Income/ Employment Requests for Employees or FCGs – hradmin@supportinc.com 

Medicaid Redetermination Questions – Lily.kirkman@supportinc.com 

Social Security Benefits & Paperwork Requests – Lily.kirkman@supportinc.com 

Cigna and Other Insurance Benefits Questions – hradmin@supportinc.com 


How do I update my direct deposit information? 

  • If you are set up with an ADP account, Log into ADP, under “Myself” – “Pay” – “Payment Options” from there you can add or edit the bank information we have on file. 
  • If you are not set up with an ADP account, e-mail accountspayable@supportinc.com . Please include your support team in case we need to contact you with any further questions. 
Blowing out candles

Cat-Dad Robert Celebrates Two Birthdays

Robert decided that his two cats Haley and Hillary would celebrate their birthdays together. He got decorations, a cake and treats for both of them, turning 2 and 7 years old respectively. He spent a couple months planning it and purchasing a new cat tree for them. They didn’t really go for the cake, but had some wet cat food instead.

Danyelle brought some toys and Jennifer (their coordinator) brought a catnip plant, which has since been replanted and chewed on happily by Haley (Hillary likes the dry stuff only Robert reports).

Robert had fun and his kitties did too!!

Kole and Billie 2024

Kole Lands a New Job!

We continue to highlight positive happenings around the agency this month. Read ahead to learn how Kole and his provider Billie worked together to seek employment opportunities!

My name is Victoria and I’m writing to share a story on behalf of a person I work with. This person I am writing about has achieved a goal; it was to find a job.

Kole found a job at the prestigious restaurant Cheyenne Mountain Resort. He has been at this job for a few months and has done such an excellent job that they keep trying to give him more hours than he is allowed to work. I have only had KB on my caseload since March 2024 and in that amount of time he has shown so much growth! All of this would not be possible without the assistance of his amazing host home provider Billie.

I have watched her talk with him about goals and steps needed to reach those goals, I have watched her praise him when KB advocates for himself. Kole is doing so well at his job they sometimes ask him to do things outside of what he was hired for.

As anyone who knows Kole, you want to step in and protect him from being taken advantage of, but he has advocated for himself that there are some things he doesn’t mind doing and others he will say no to. It was a big step for him to ask Billie to let him handle his job on his own as anyone else would and if he needed assistance, he would let her know. Billie has gone above and beyond with picking him up after 10pm and dropping him off early in the mornings. She really is an HHP who just wants to see her PRS’s grow! I am so proud to work with amazing people like Kole and Billie!

Missy positive story

Missy Enjoys a Birthday Trip

Sometimes we like to share positive stories, highlighting the relationships between the providers and the people they serve.
In early September, one of our individuals receiving services, Missy, told her HHP Genet that she would like to go on a trip to celebrate her birthday. They talked about where they should go, and Missy said she wanted to go visit some friends from church who had recently moved to Dallas and visit Genet’s daughter who also lives there.
Genet made all the arrangements, and they had a wonderful time visiting friends and family. They also made day trips to historical sights and local attractions.
Happy Birthday to Missy! One of her most valuable gifts is her amazing HHP Genet who does everything she can to make Missy’s wishes come true!!