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Jeremy Finds his Own Apartment

This July, one of our individuals receiving services, Jeremy, moved to a new apartment! He found the apartment on his own and is located closer to his work. We helped hire movers for Jeremy, and the move went as well as possible. Jeremy and his dog Zeus are very happy to be living in a bigger apartment with a fireplace! They’ll be sure to stay warm through the winter! Congratulations, Jeremy!!


FCG month

Family Caregiver of the Month

Please join us in congratulating our August Family Caregiver of the Month- Julie Dobler! Julie (and her husband, Dan) are very kind, energetic, attentive, and overall wonderful caregivers to their daughter. Whether it be finding a Summer Camp, or a new Day Program, Julie is continuously trying to find new and fun experiences for her daughter. Julie is an exemplary example of an advocating parent and enjoys sharing things with the team to help us find the services and experiences that are the best fit for her. Julie works hard to ensure that there is no stone left unturned and plays a huge role in ensuring that we have all the information to get HRC packets approved and is very diligent with getting her documentation and tracking turned in. Thank you, Julie (and Dan), for all of your hard work, communication, and most of all the exemplary love and care that you give your daughter! Congratulations again on being named our August Family Caregiver of the month!!!

FCG month

July Family Caregiver of the Month!

We want to congratulate Rae Jean Lunn-Nix for being nominated as our July Family Caregiver of the month!!!

To meet Rae and her sister Diana and see the love they have for each other as sisters is an undeniable bond. Rae became her sister’s legal guardian after their mother passed. Rae was just 25 years old at the time and did not have any children of her own. It was a promise she made to her mother and has kept to this day. When you go into their home there are so many beautiful arts and crafts projects that Rae has done. She is so creative and talented. She is a strong voice and advocate for Diana as she is unable to verbally communicate for herself.  She is constantly looking at new ways to provide adequate support for Diana. Rae was looking into ways to monitor Diana’s health and safety while she is at day program and taught everyone about an Oura ring that monitors vitals through an app. Rae also published a book herself, and even painted the front cover.  She has lived through so much pain and tragedy and through it all is a warm compassionate person. This book is one that you just can’t put down!  Thank You so much Rae for loving your sister and providing the care you do; you truly are inspiring!!

If you’re interested in Rae’s book, which is a memoir about her life and caring for her sister Diana, please follow the link below.

My Family’s Story of Love and and Perseverance: A Memoir: Lunn-Nix, Rae Jean, Lunn-Nix, Rae Jean: 9798328438568: Amazon.com: Books

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Clinical Department News and Updates

This summer, our Clinical Department has welcomed four new interns to our team.  Lindsay and Gillian are our occupational therapy interns, who are working toward their doctoral degrees from Colorado State University.  They were able to work with many of our clients this summer. They brought fresh ideas and perspectives to their person-centered interventions while also utilizing their OT training. Gillian and Lindsay will be moving on to continue their degrees in the fall back at CSU.  We also have two counseling interns, Anne and Madison, who are earning their Master’s degrees at the University of Denver and they will be with us throughout the year. They have been able to jump right into applying the counseling skills they have learned in school. They both bring in their own personal counseling styles, infusing empirically backed interventions with new ideas and enthusiasm.

Our interns have helped us to expand our clinical services and offer fun and unique groups at places such as the aquarium, restaurants, and more! We are also planning to increase our clinical services with our interns taking the lead to facilitate even more opportunities for our clients. We are so excited that they have joined and helped our team. We can’t thank them enough!

Recent News

Amazing Support Inc. Athletes – Aldo and Anthony

This is a tale of two amazing athletes receiving Support Inc. services – Aldo and Anthony – and how the Special Olympics brought together an entire community. Aldo is kind, caring and willing to try new experiences. Aldo tries his absolute best at every task he takes on, as does his Family Caregiver (FCG). In only a few months she mastered a role that was totally new to her in February. We were happy to learn that Aldo joined basketball with his brother at the Special Olympics since he enjoys being active and being outdoors. Both Aldo and his FCG were excited to try this opportunity, but what they didn’t expect was to find a community.

Aldo and his family heard about Support, Inc. through another Support, Inc. FCG and basketball coach, who also has a gifted athlete – Anthony! Anthony is someone who has worked extremely hard for what he’s achieved throughout his time with the Special Olympics. He has participated in many sports such as basketball and swimming but where Anthony really shined was in weightlifting. During his recent weightlifting season, he received many medals with his team The Rude Dogs. With his hard work and determination, he made it to the championship! This event took place in Grand Junction where his amazing family made an entire weekend of it. Anthony placed 4th in Dead Lift and Bench Press, then ultimately took home the bronze medal! His FCG couldn’t have been prouder of her son than seeing him walk up to receive a medal as the entire crowd cheered him on. Both Family Care Giver’s started Anthony and Aldo in Special Olympics to provide exercise and community engagement. At the same time, they created meaningful bonds for themselves.

Completely by accident and for the first time in the Denver Metro Area Special Olympics, their basketball team formed a Special Olympics group made entirely of Latino families. They realized this was something unique and became a tight-knit group, who decided to stay together through their future Special Olympics seasons.  They call themselves Grupo Familiar Latino. The hard work and dedication that these families pour into their team is inspirational, especially Anthony’s Mom. She has been an amazing coach, making time every week to hold practices and attend every competition as her team’s biggest fan! Her commitment to supporting Anthony really showed in this past championship tournament. The companionship and mentorship that Aldo’s Mom has found through this group has been invaluable to her as a family caregiver new to the DD-waiver. She says for the first time, she doesn’t feel alone in the blessings and struggles that have come with raising Aldo and caring for a child with autism. We are extremely excited to see what the next season brings for these two Olympians!

¡Vamos Grupo Familiar Latino!


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Caregiver Burnout Resources

At Support, Inc., we understand how challenging it can be to find resources when dealing with burnout. We offer a variety of community-based services and care options for families and caregivers who have adult children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. These options are also ideal for children with disabilities who are 18 and have previously been receiving services through the Children’s Extensive Support (CES) waiver. Just as no two people are the same, neither are their specific needs for in home care. Whether that’s as a full time resident in a host home, in a family home, or their own home or apartment, Support, Inc.’s spectrum of options and opportunities is designed to offer stability, progress and, of course, safety. Because each situation is unique, and we approach it in this way. Our staff will adapt their approach to each individual and family’s specific needs as our guide, while building a strong partnership for many years to come.

Taking into careful consideration each person’s individual needs, we work with each family and individual we serve to provide the best residential environment for everyone involved. Our residential services include the following three programs. The adults with disabilities programs we provide remain unmatched in the service industry. Colorado disability services are important to us, and we do everything we can to meet each family’s unique and specialized needs.

Host Home:

Our host home providers are committed to providing a nurturing, supportive and safe home atmosphere that allows for growth and discovery. Residents will have an opportunity to thrive in a secure, caring environment and be more engaged in the world around them.

Providers are pre-screened through background and reference checks, as well as home safety inspections. They also receive extensive, ongoing training in the intellectual and developmental disabilities field and have access to additional support and oversight from a residential program coordinator, nurse, clinician and public benefits specialist.

Reach out to us directly to learn more about caretaker pay.

Family Caregiver Program:

Through the Family Caregiver Act, family caregivers may be eligible for both financial and non-financial support. We are often asked “Can a family member get paid to be a caregiver” and the answer is YES. Colorado Family Caregivers have the option to choose between the employee and independent contractor route. The Support, Inc. team gives families maximum flexibility to create an individualized plan tailored to their needs. Families can:

  • Pay a family caregiver to provide care for a loved one
  • Hire a non-family caregiver to provide care
  • Cover or reimburse costs related to life events and needs outside of traditional staffing

We also provide:

  • Screening for non-family caregivers
  • Residential support and respite care options matched to the family’s level of need
  • Training for family and non-family care givers
  • Competitive pay rate, flexible budgets and access to our employee benefits plan and 24-hour support line
  • Support group for family caregivers

Please reach out to learn more about our care taker pay. We’re also happy to relay caretaker documentation samples.

Independent Apartment Living Program:

We help individuals find apartments that meets their unique needs. We also assist with general care and skills development, such as grocery shopping, medical appointments, transportation and provide a 24-hour support line. The assisted living for disabled young adults is something we pride ourselves on providing- it is truly a pleasure to work with individuals living independently in the community.

For more information on our residential services and the DD waiver in Colorado, please contact Brian Slusarz at info@supportinc.com or click here to complete our contact form. The disability caregiver in Colorado is not a position that we take lightly; great disability service providers in Colorado can be hard to come by. But our disability program for adults is absolutely excellent and we hope to hear from you soon! We’re very familiar with home and community based services. It would be an honor to provide disability services to you and your family.

For Caregiver Resources related to burnout, please follow the links below-


Mayo Clinic

Kaiser Permanente