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Host Home Provider of the Month!

Please join us in congratulating our September Host Home Providers of the Month, Edna and Darryl Pennington! Edna and Darryl have been Host Home Providers since December 2022 for the Pueblo Community Resources team which is part of the Support Inc. network. Edna has been part of Pueblo Community Resources direct care staff team since the inception of the company! She took a couple of years off and returned with her trademark sweet smile and generous heart when she was needed the most. They started as HHPs with 2 gentlemen in an existing home environment and then accepted a third individual in services just a few months later. During this time, they have excelled as providers, learned to use our system while settling into a new home. They live a little bit out of town, but still drive the men to different day programs, work commitments, counseling, and numerous medical appointments. Darryl has become very involved in the Special Olympics program as all 3 men are heavily committed to their sports. Darryl enjoys volunteering his time as a coach and recently worked with a team that built a large float for the Colorado State Fair Parade. Their float was awarded 3rd place out of 160 participating floats (see picture below)! Both Edna and Darryl enjoy stopping by Pueblo Community Resources Day Program to help serve everyone on hot lunch days and to connect with the people there. They are a bright spot in everyone’s day. Edna and Darryl provide their individuals in services with a family home setting that exceeds expectations. They are the definition of “People Helping People” and go above and beyond to support our individuals in services. We are so proud to see the progress the three men have made in their care and are excited to see their bright future. This is all thanks to the hard work of this amazing couple. Congratulations and thank you for all that you do, Darryl and Edna!!!

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Chris Receives his Colorado’s Drivers Permit!

We would like to congratulate person receiving services, Christopher Manley, on his recent success of obtaining his Colorado’s Drivers Permit! Chris has been studying very hard to reach this goal and recently passed his drivers permit test. You could truly see the great accomplishment in his smile the day he passed. He has taken on the privilege of being able to learn how to drive very seriously and respects the dangers of driving. Chris and Residential Coordinator, Nathan, have been out driving in his car to learn and Chris has done exceptionally well. He has caught on to handling the vehicle and applying proper pressure on break and gas pedal easily. He seems to feel comfortable behind the wheel and we believe he will be earning his driver’s license very soon with the progress he is making. Congratulations, Chris, and thank you to the Pueblo Community Resources team for supporting him to accomplish this goal!

HR Corner

Human Resources News & Updates

Hispanic Heritage Month: 

September-October is Hispanic Heritage Month which aims to indicate the significance, history, and culture of Latinos and raise awareness of it among the workforces. From hispanicheritagemonth.gov: “This Web portal is a collaborative project of the Library of Congress and the National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and U.S. National Archives and Records Administration.

About National Hispanic Heritage Month:

Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. The observation started in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon Johnson and was expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to cover a 30-day period starting on September 15 and ending on October 15. It was enacted into law on August 17, 1988, on the approval of Public Law 100-402. The day of September 15 is significant because it is the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16 and September 18, respectively. Also, Columbus Day or Día de la Raza, which is October 12, falls within this 30-day period. From The American Presidency Project: Proclamation 10446—National Hispanic Heritage Month, 2022: “Hispanic heritage holds an indelible place in the heart and soul of our Nation, and National Hispanic Heritage Month reminds us that the American identity is a fabric of diverse traditions and stories woven together. Since the beginning, our country has drawn strength and insights from Hispanic writers, scientists, soldiers, doctors, entrepreneurs, academics, and leaders in labor and government. Our culture has been enriched by the rhythms, art, literature, and creativity of Hispanic peoples. And our deepest values have been informed by the love of family and faith that is at the core of so many Hispanic communities. All of these contributions help us realize the promise of America for all Americans.

Women’s Health and Fitness Day- September 27, 2023:

Make this day memorable by raising awareness about the importance of women’s health and fitness in today’s world. We celebrate National Women’s Health and Fitness Day the last Wednesday in September. This day is important in helping us all remember to focus on the importance of physical activity and encouraging us to promote health awareness for women in general.

QA COrner

Quality Assurance News & Updates

September 18-22 is Fall Prevention Awareness Week 

Falls among older adults are common, preventable and are the leading cause of injury and/or death among those 65+. More than 95% of hip fractures are a result of a fall. Many falls are cause by environmental or lifestyle habits. Scheduling regular visits to healthcare providers and incorporating strength-building exercises into your weekly routine can reduce the risk of falls. Simple modifications to our home environment can also reduce fall risk.  This month, we encourage everyone to utilize the CDC’s Home Fall Prevention Checklist to identify potential fall hazards in your home. The checklist includes ways to fix the problem.

Additionally, the National Counsil on Aging (NCOA) has a Fall Prevention Conversation Guide for Caregivers as well as many other resources on their website.


FREE Battery Backup for Colorado Medicaid Recipients

With funding made available through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and in collaboration with The Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering (CIDE) The Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) will be distributing Batter Backup Power Supply Systems to eligible Health First Colorado members. Qualifying medical devices include but are not limited to; CPAP/BIPAP machines, Dialysis machines, Stair Lifts, Nutrition pumps, Oxygen concentrator machines, suctioning devices and more.

If you are interested in getting a Backup Power Supply System, you can learn more and complete the application here.  Once received, the application will be reviewed, information verified, and a determination made if the applicant qualifies. There is a limited supply, and a final decision will be made on eligibility and the availability of devices. All applicants will be notified of their results within two months of receipt of the application.

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Direct Support Professional Recognition Week!

Direct Support Professional (DSP) Recognition Week is September 10th through the 16th! Although that’s only one week of the year, we recognize and appreciate the great work of DSPs all year long. Support Inc. DSPs are an invaluable part of our organization and have an amazing impact on the individuals we serve. Please give them an extra shout out this week!
