
COVID-19 Communication

The following information has been produced by our Associate Director of Quality Assurance, Laura Viers, on March 4th, 2021. For additional questions and information, please email Laura at Laura.Viers@supportinc.com

To all Support, Inc. Staff, Providers and Families:

In this communication we will cover the following:

  1. National COVID-19 vaccine update.
  2. Comparison of the three COVID-19 vaccines
  3. Colorado’s updated COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan and what this means for persons receiving services.

1. National updates:

On Saturday February 27th, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted Emergency Use Authorization to Johnson & Johnson to use their Janssen Bio tec. COVID-19 vaccine. Comparison of the three COVID-19 vaccines:

2. Comparison of the three COVID-19 vaccines:

When getting your vaccine, you will likely not have a choice in which vaccine you get. Manufacturer availability depends on the vaccine each clinic gets on a weekly basis.  For vaccine’s requiring a second dose, you must get the same brand for your first and second dose. There are now 3 COVID-19 vaccine’s below is a comparison of the three vaccines.

Janssen Moderna
Side effects:
Pain at the injection site
Injection site redness
Injection site swelling
Muscle pain Fever
Joint pain
Swollen lymph nodes  
Side effects:
Pain at the injection site
Injection site redness
Injection site swelling
Muscle aches
Side effects:
Pain at the injection site
Injection site redness
Injection site swelling
Muscle pain
Joint pain
Swollen lymph nodes
Who can get the Pfizer vaccine? The FDA granted emergency use authorization for individuals 16 years and older Who can get the Janssen vaccine? The FDA granted emergency use authorization for individuals 18 years and older Who can get the Moderna vaccine? The FDA granted emergency use authorization for individuals 18 years and older
Administration of the Pfizer vaccine: The Pfizer vaccine vaccination series if 2 doses given 21 days apart. * You must get both doses of the vaccine * Administration of the Janssen vaccine: The Janssen vaccine is given as a single dose. Administration of the Moderna vaccine: The Moderna vaccine vaccination series is 2 doses given 28 days apart. * You must get both doses of the vaccine *
Storage of the vaccine: The Pfizer vaccine must be stored at ultra-cold temperatures of -76° F and -112° F Storage of the vaccine: The Janssen vaccine must be stored between 36° F and 46° F. Storage of the vaccine: The Moderna vaccine may be stored in a fridge or freezer. The vaccine may be stored in a freezer between -5°F and -13°F or under refrigeration at 46°F to 36°F for up to 30 days. 
How effective is the Pfizer vaccine? During the clinical study, Pfizer’s vaccine was found to be 95% effective at preventing COVID-19 disease. How effective is the Janssen vaccine? During the clinical study, Janssen’s vaccine was found to be 77% effective at preventing severe/critical COVID-19 disease at least 14 days after vaccination and was 85% effective at preventing severe/critical COVID-19 at least 28 days after vaccination. How effective is the Moderna vaccine? During the clinical study, Moderna’s vaccine was found to be 94.1% effective at preventing COVID-19 disease

3. Colorado’s updated COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan and what this means for persons receiving services:

In the coming weeks, Phase 1B.3 and Phase 1B.4 of Colorado’s distribution plan will open. Phase 1B.3 will open additional eligibility for some individual’s in services. Phase 1B.4 will open eligibility for all individual’s receiving services through Support, Inc.

Eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine
Coloradoan’s age 65 or older
Eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine Friday March 5th Coloradoan’s age 60 or older
Coloradoan’s age 16 and older with 2 or more of the following high-risk conditions:
Down Syndrome
Diabetic mellitus (type 1 and type 2)
Individuals with disabilities who require direct care in their home.
People with disabilities that prevent them from wearing a mask
Cancer (those currently receiving treatment or have received treatment in the last month)
Chronic kidney disease
Specific heart conditions (heart failure, cardiomyopathies, coronary heart disease, severe valvular/congenital heart disease)
Obesity (BMI equal to or greater than 30kg/m^2)
Sickle cell disease
Solid organ transplant  
Eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine Around March 21st (official date TBD)                   Coloradoan’s age 50 and older
Coloradoan’s age 16 and older with 1 of the following high-risk conditions:
Down Syndrome
Diabetic mellitus (type 1 and type 2)
Individuals with disabilities who require direct care in their home.
People with disabilities that prevent them from wearing a mask
Cancer (those currently receiving treatment or have received treatment in the last month)
Chronic kidney disease
Specific heart conditions (heart failure, cardiomyopathies, coronary heart disease, severe valvular/congenital heart disease)
Obesity (BMI equal to or greater than 30kg/m^2)
Sickle cell disease
Solid organ transplant  

Do you follow us on Facebook? We are running a social media campaign to #SupportTheShot and have joined Alliance Colorado’s (our trade association) campaign to #RollUpYourSleve and help Colorado conquer COVID. If you would like to be featured on our social media page email cathy.kellogg@supportinc.com with a picture and why getting the COVID-19 vaccine is important to you.

Be sure to never miss our correspondences, follow us on Facebook, be sure you are on email and newsletter distribution lists and check out website for on-going updates about COVID-19 and other happenings around the organization.


A Glimpse into the Vaccination Process

Support, Inc. is offering insight into the vaccination process as documented by our Director of People Operations. Read below to learn more about the vaccination process from Nick’s perspective as he received his first dose in the Denver Metro Area.

Hello All,

I am Nicholas Manning, the Director of People Operations at Support, Inc. I currently oversee our Human Resources Department, and have been with Support, Inc. since May of 2015. If you know me, you most likely have met me in my former role as an Associate Director in the Denver/Metro Area.

I would like to share my experience getting the COVID-19 vaccine with all of you. Now, you may or may not assume that this choice was easy for me, it was not.

I am a person of color and identify as a member of the Black community. I have always had concerns about vaccines due to generational trauma and a general desire to not go to the doctor for anything other than a medical emergency. From the infamous Tuskegee Experiment to the misrepresentation of the voices of POC on medical boards, etc., feeling comfortable being on the front line of receiving medical treatment is not something I feel terribly comfortable with.

However, I found it important for me to receive this vaccination , like no other time before.

Here is a bit about my journey.

The reasons:

Black, Hispanic, and Native American people are about 4 times more likely to be hospitalized and nearly 3 times more likely to die of COVID-19 than white people. Yet African Americans have nearly the lowest rates of vaccination among any ethnic group. In fact, white Americans are being vaccinated at a rate 3 times higher than Black Americans. New CDC figures show that of those who have received at least the first dose of a vaccine, 5.4% are Black people, compared to 60% who are white people. According to recent Kaiser Family Foundation poll, about 35% of Black Americans said they don’t plan to get the vaccine, citing fears about safety and concerns that the vaccines.

As I have stated, these concerns are rooted in distrust over time and I hope that my story can help provide insight on the vaccine from someone you can connect with personally, not simply a stat on a website. Additionally, I felt that being a person from my community who decided to receive the vaccine, I could share my experiences with others in hopes of supporting others regardless of whether or not they decided to also.


First, I utilized a link connecting me to Tri-County for an appointment. Now, this process has been frustrating, and many of us can understand how and why. There are a lot of people wanting it (about 80% of the adult population) and the system itself has not caught up to the demand. However, after some time and support I was able to access to an appointment. However, things came up, as they do with most of us so I had to change it. I was scared, and hoped that I would not lose the opportunity. I was successfully able to move my appointment to Wednesday 17th, 2021.

I was sent an email with clear directions. I was instructed to sit in my car and await a phone call before entering the Tri-County East Aurora location.

I received the call and was instructed to head inside. I was a bit nervous and also excited. I am hopeful this will protect me, the people I care for both at home and our Support, Inc. Community.

I headed in with my official leader from our CEO Bentley Smith, that is available to us.

I got to the doors and moved through the secure building. People inside were respectful as I checked in.

As I awaited for my appointment, I filled out a single page document. Questions we are used to as of now. Have I been exposed to COVID-19? Have I traveled outside of the United States in the last 14 days? Etc. I gave the desk clerk my paper and sat down. Within minutes I was asked to come back.

Alecia, a data collector and registered nurse was my Shot Giver for the day. Alecia sat me down and reviewed my form with me. She asked me about my experiences and educated me on how my answers mattered. She also provided me the attached PDF. She was transparent and discussed that the CDC wants to help us stay healthy as well as gain important information from us individual to track the success of the vaccine. She offered to answer any questions I had before she even prepared the shot. She stated that she wanted to make sure I felt comfortable with the information before moving forward. Alecia shared information about the trend of data to how effective I can expect the vaccine to be. Though early signs suggest the vaccine is effective, I was still encouraged to wear a mask following my second dose to ensure the safety of our community. She informed me that I was to remain in the waiting room for 15 minutes to ensure I do not have an allergic reaction. She also explained I would most likely feel some ache in my arm and the best way to ensure it was minimal was to use it and frequently. She informed me that Tylenol and Ibuprofen were fine to use even though some social media reports said otherwise.

She prepared my arm and I received the shot. It felt the same as most shots, no real pain outside of the assumed pinch. (I was not allowed to record the actual shot, I tried). I received my vaccine dose, thanked her for her time and headed to the waiting room. I waited 15 minutes and did not feel adverse effects so I stood up, got a drink from the vending machine and went home.

My arm ached about 48 hours after with some slight swelling (thought it was my muscles, but nope… just swelling). It has subsided in day 3. I have had no illness reactions as of now. No fever, no cough, no headache.

My experience may be unique. I also believe that many of us read so much on the internet that may influence us to be more or less willing to move forward and having a person who they can interact with share their experience may be more meaningful. I also understand that my privilege of not have any health risks, nor planning on being pregnant/breast feeding, is a benefit I have that many who may read this do not.

Currently, data does not show adverse risk to those who are pregnant or have moderate health risks as the information is still very new, but also remains positive to date.

If you have any personal or general questions about my experiences, please reach out to me directly at Nicholas.Manning@supportinc.com. I do not mind talking with you personally.

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Host Home Provider of the Month

Please join us in congratulating our recent Host Home Providers of the Month, Linda and Scotty Cummins!

The following write-up was produced by Team SoCo: We would like to recognize Linda and Scotty Cummins as Support, Inc’s Host Home Provider of the Month. Linda and Scotty are dream providers! They routinely and regularly keep the daily documentation current for their individuals in service, as well as always keeping their own compliance requirements up to date. However, paperwork is not their only superpower! They also have fabulous, healthy relationships with the gentlemen in their care. Their folks love that they are part of the family, and all enjoy camping, fishing, hiking, and generally being in the outdoors. Linda and Scotty encourage their independence and help them to speak up for themselves.

Recently, Scotty and Linda were approached to take a new gentleman into their home. He preferred to have a bedroom on the same floor as everyone else, so Scotty and Linda took on the effort and expense of hiring contractors to transform their open-sided office into a new private bedroom. Talk about going the extra mile! While the remodeling was taking place, Linda and Scotty had Zoom visits with him and his mother so that everyone felt more comfortable about the impending move. The atmosphere of their home is friendly and happy, and obvious to all who visit (virtually or in person!) Please join the Colorado Springs team in congratulating this wonderful couple on their well-deserved recognition!


Events on the Calendar

A friendly reminder for those looking for our weekly events- This information has transitioned to the calendar on our website.

The calendar includes information for our Day Program Events, LIFE Events and BACPAC events. To learn more information, simply click on the date and click on the event for further details.

Many of our events are hosted online due to COVID-19. To join, select the event on the calendar and be sure to download Zoom ahead of time.

If you have any further questions regarding our events or how to use Zoom, please contact Cathy at Cathy.Kellogg@supportinc.com and she will point you in the right direction.


COVID-19 Communication

To all Support, Inc. Staff, Providers and Families:

In this communication we will cover the following:

  1. National COVID-19 vaccine update.
  2. Local COVID-19 vaccine update including eligibility for individuals in services.
  3. Where to get the vaccine (employees, contractors, and individuals in services).
  4. What to expect when getting the COVID-19 vaccine.
  5. Reporting your COVID-19 vaccine participation and how we store these records.
  1. National COVID-19 vaccine update:

COVID-19 vaccine administration continues to increase across the United States where around 10% of American’s have received at least one dose of the vaccine. About 9.7% of Coloradoan’s have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. While the demand for the vaccine remains higher than the available supply, Colorado will begin receiving an additional 9,000 vaccines weekly starting this week to help meet the demand.

Additional vaccine candidates continue to go through clinical trials to seek emergency use authorization (EUA) through the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Janssen Biotech Inc. has filed for emergency use authorization of their COVID-19 vaccine, an FDA advisory committee will review Janssen’s vaccine on February 26th.

2. Local COVID-19 vaccine update:

Colorado moved into Phase 1B.2 last week. This phase includes Coloradoan’s who are age 65-69, pre-K through 12 educators, childcare workers, and continuity of state government. IDT’s should continue to discuss individual’s preference regarding getting the COVID-19 vaccine and what support the individual needs to access the vaccine when it becomes available to them.  Individual’s receiving services should consult with their primary care physician regarding the vaccine and any medical questions they may have. After an individual in services receives their COVID-19 vaccine please send a copy/picture of the vaccine card to the Residential Program Coordinator.

3. Where to get the COVID-19 vaccine:

As Colorado continues to open additional phases of the COVID-19 vaccine plan, more vaccine options are also becoming available.

Individual’s in services who are eligible for the vaccine may go through their primary care physician or participating retail pharmacies across the state. To find out if your local retail pharmacy is offering the COVID-19 vaccine, follow these links; King Soopers, Wal-MartSam’s club, Walgreen’s and Safeway.

Employees and contractors of Support, Inc. are classified as Moderate-Risk Health Care workers and are also eligible for the vaccine now. Employees and contractors may also utilize any of the retail pharmacies listed above or their primary care physician. If you work out of our Aurora office, you can use this link for scheduling an appointment through the Tri-County Health Department. If you work out of our Loveland office or Colorado Springs office, please contact your Residential Program Coordinator or Supervisor for additional information on how to schedule your vaccine in that area.

We have applied to host a vaccine clinic at our Aurora office. Stay tuned for more information!

If you need any support or assistance scheduling a vaccine for yourself or an eligible individual you support, please reach out to your Residential Program Coordinator or Supervisor for assistance.

4. What to expect at your COVID-19 vaccine appointment?

5. Reporting your COVID-19 vaccine participation

For employees and contractors getting the COVID-19 vaccine, please send a copy of your vaccine card to hr.admin@supportinc.com. We are required to track participation and non-participation in the COVID-19 vaccine. Only our HR department will have access to your COVID-19 vaccine card. Vaccine participation and non-participation information will be used for internal and licensing reporting only.

Do you follow us on Facebook? We are running a social media campaign to #SupportTheShot and have joined Alliance Colorado’s campaign to #RollUpYourSleve and help Colorado conquer COVID. If you would like to be featured on our social media page email cathy.kellogg@supportinc.com with a picture and why getting the COVID-19 vaccine is important to you.

Be sure to never miss our correspondences, follow us on Facebook, be sure you are on email and newsletter distribution lists and check out website for on-going updates about COVID-19 and other happenings around the organization.

Thank you, Laura Viers

Moving and Grooving

Moving and Grooving: A Glimpse into our Exercise Group

As a member of the Intake Team, I’ve often wondered how it is to join the groups I frequently promote. From our LIFE Club to Moving and Grooving and beyond, we offer quite the lineup of activities for people to join online. Our Day Program offers the opportunity to participate in person with peers in a safe environment. But for those that choose to stay home, I would highly recommend Moving and Grooving as a means for light and fun exercise.

To start, you’ll want to wear some comfortable clothing and shoes. I was honestly a little too excited for this group and got ready an hour early. Meredith and Ashley will normally start with stretches and then we move on to the festivities!

I had been meaning to join this group for quite some time. So, to login for this Heartthrob Dance Party was pretty good timing if you ask me. From N’SYNC and Backstreet Boys to Britney Spears and One Direction, the majority of the requests were 90’s favorites. As a true millennial at heart, this made me very happy.

Ready to move and groove in my new workout headband!

My favorite part of this group was just how casual it is. I must’ve had this preconceived notion that the meetings were structured with “group fitness expectations” such as everyone curling their arms together or involving some sort of synchronized group moves. This was not the case. Participants are literally encouraged to “move and groove”, whether that be head-bopping, foot-tapping or full-blown dancing with great enthusiasm. I also loved how comfortable the group felt for people joining it. Everyone was accepting of each other’s dancing, and no one seemed to care how someone else was choosing to move and groove.

Lastly, our clinicians leading the effort are a cut above the rest. Meredith and Ashley are both thoughtful and considerate when guiding these group activities. For instance, we have Moving and Grooving happening again today. The group focuses on strength this week and takes a look at inner and outer strength, so not just the physical elements. The way our Clinicians focus on the whole person, including the emotional needs of our individuals, remains a cutting-edge approach to care. In addition, these activities allow the people we serve the chance to connect with other individuals in the program for socialization opportunities. With deliberate planning and creative ideas, Meredith and Ashley go above and beyond for every session they host. Every theme they develop for Moving and Grooving is safe, fun and ultimately, engaging.

In short, I had a blast joining Moving and Grooving last week! I highly recommend that those on the fence give it a try. Moving and Grooving convenes every Wednesday from 12:15-1:00 p.m. For more information, please visit our calendar at www.Supportinc.com. You will also find other groups happening online that you’re welcome to join, as well.

Town Hall

Support, Inc. February Town Hall

Support, Inc. will soon host it’s second Town Hall Meeting of 2021. Put on by our Associate Director of Quality Assurance, Laura Viers, and Director of Residential Services, Brian Farestad, these informative meetings provide the opportunity for constituents and providers alike to learn more about our recent COVID-19 updates and vaccine rollouts across the front range.

We want to thank everyone that joined our first Town Hall last month as we covered COVID-19 updates and details related to the vaccine. Many people asked good questions and this also gave us a chance to catch up over Zoom and to see how folks have been doing in recent weeks.

We’re hosting another Town Hall this month-for more information, please the flyer posted below. The purpose of these Town Halls is to make sure that you as providers and family members, are receiving good communication from Support, Inc., have the opportunity to connect with a larger group of people and are able to ask questions and give feedback that you may have. To RSVP, please contact Cathy at Cathy.Kellogg@supportinc.com and she will send you the Zoom link.

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Host Home Provider of the Month

Please join us in congratulating our recent Host Home Provider of the Month, Shaunti Kelley!!!

The following write-up was produced by RPC Sonny Everett:

“We are happy to recognize Shaunti Kelley as HHP of the month. From the start of her HHP role with Support, Inc. she has demonstrated so much love and care for her consumer. Shaunti has gone above and beyond to make Heather’s days creative and fun with all the arts and crafts, baking, playing games, community outings, keeping close communication with Heather’s family, but most importantly, just making Heather happy. We are very lucky to have Shaunti be a part of our Support team. Thank you Shaunti for all that you do!”

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Support, Inc. Welcomes Two New Employees

Please join us in welcoming two employees to the organization. First, we have Faith Wilkins who joined the agency in January and produced this write-up a few weeks ago:

Hello, Support Inc.! I look forward to meeting you! Until then, here is a little about me (Faith Wilkins). I grew up in Cherokee Nation (NE corner of Oklahoma). I attended graduate school for Occupational Therapy in Las Vegas, Nevada. I moved to Colorado in 2016 to work at a center (K-12 school, outpatient, employment and transition services) for persons with I/DD.

As a clinician, I help people establish mindful routines to support engagement in meaningful life activities through a trauma informed lens. I have also practiced OT on a therapy farm with the help of horses, chickens and donkeys! Before I was an OT, I was a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist at an inpatient psychiatric hospital in Fayetteville, AR. In my spare time I enjoy taking Bosco to the park, taking photos of Bosco, playing chess, doing yoga, and cooking.

In addition, we welcome our new receptionist, Tammy Burton. Tammy joined Support, Inc. in early February and shares the following information:

Tammy started on Monday, February 1st, out of the Aurora Office.

She will be taking over the administrative responsibilities, in addition to some other ones that Carole has managed.

Tammy comes to us with significant experience, having worked as an Administrative Assistant for Elbert County Health and Human Services.  Among her many talents, Tammy has great skillset that includes customer service, accounting support, office management, and Purchasing and sales administration.

Please don’t hesitate to contact Tammy if you have any questions.

Welcome to the team Faith and Tammy!  We are super excited and look forward to working more closely with both of you!


Additional Vaccine Communication

The following information was produced by our Associate Director of Quality Assurance, Laura Viers, on February 3rd, 2021:

To all Support, Inc. Staff, Providers and Families,

Colorado continues to review and update the State’s COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan. On the updated plan below, highlighted in green are the groups the state is currently offering the vaccine to, this is people in Phase 1A and Phase 1B.1. The biggest change to the updated plan includes splitting Phase 1B into additional categories. This includes moving Coloradoan’s who are age 65-69 up in eligibility to Phase 1B.2, this will be the next group of people to have access to the COVID-19 vaccine. Governor Polis announced the Sate expects to move into Phase 1B.2 on February 8th.

Group 1B.3 includes Coloradoan’s age 16-64 who have two or more high risk conditions. Many individuals in services may be eligible in this phase of the vaccine.  The state has defined these high risk categories to include; Coloradoan’s with cancer (defined as a patient currently receiving treatment or having received treatment within the last month for cancer), chronic kidney disease, COPD, diabetes mellitus, Down Syndrome, specific heart conditions (heart failure, cardiomyopathies, or coronary heart disease, and severe valvular/congenital heart disease), obesity ((BMI ≥ 30kg/m^2), pregnancy, sickle cell disease, solid organ transplant and people with disabilities that prevent them from wearing masks.

Now is the time to discuss with the individual(s) you support what their desire is for getting the COVID-19 vaccine. Having these conversations now will ensure the individual’s team understands the person’s wishes regarding the vaccine as well as any supports that may be needed once the individual is eligible. Having a plan now is crucial to ensure individuals can get the supports needed to access the vaccine when they become eligible.

There is a lot happening with seemingly constant changes regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. While employees and contractors of Support, Inc. are eligible in Phase 1B.1 vaccine availability across the state varies and there is a larger demand for the vaccine than there is supply to meet that demand. Each county health department has a different process for connecting eligible Coloradoans with a vaccine provider. Some counties have been slower to get appointments set up or respond to our requests for large scale clinics for our employees and contractors. The slow speed to get a vaccine appointment is frustrating but hang in there. We remain committed to breaking through any barriers to help support you in getting the vaccine.

The question often comes up about how we can get individual’s in services scheduled to receive their vaccine. At this time individual’s with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities do not have their own unique group on Colorado’s Phased distribution plan. Individual’s receiving services will be eligible for the vaccine based on the individual diagnosis and age. We are also not able to set up clinics to administer the vaccine to individual’s in services. As Colorado continues to increase vaccine supply and subsequent phases become eligible, we hope to see more vaccine options for all constituents of Support, Inc. We will continue to monitor these develops and ensure we provide updates on a regular basis.

Please reach out to your team or me with any questions or concerns.

Laura Viers,

Associate Director of Quality Assurance
