
Vaccine Communication

To all Support, Inc. staff, providers, and families,

As vaccine efforts continue to increase across the state, we recently got clarification from CDPHE (Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment) that employees and contractors of Support, Inc. are designated as moderate-risk health care workers and are included in Phase 1B of Colorado’s COVID-19 vaccine plan. Over this week, a member of your team will be reaching out to you to discuss the COVID-19 vaccine. While the vaccine is voluntary, we are required to have tracking of participation or non-participation in the vaccine. A member of your team will also be discussing vaccine options with you and what supports you may need to access the vaccine.

Support, Inc. continues to work to connect employees and contractors with vaccine options across the state. We have been in touch with local health departments to work with these entities to help establish large vaccine opportunities for everyone. At this time, we have heard from two health departments who have the capacity to help us connect employees and contractors with a vaccine provider. Your team will discuss these opportunities with you. If you do not want to use one of these options, you can continue to work through your primary care physician or other vaccine location.

Employees and contractors of Support, Inc. have been classified by CDPHE (Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment) as moderate-risk healthcare workers and are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine in Phase 1B of Colorado’s distribution plan. Support, Inc. continues to work with local County Health Departments to increase opportunities for employees and contractors to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. As vaccine availability across the state is limited, we remain committed to supporting our staff, provider and families to access the vaccine.

Please reach out to a member of your team or me at Laura.Viers@supportinc.com if you have any questions,

Thank you, Laura Viers
Associate Director of Quality Assurance


Virtual Events This Week!

Starting next week, we will also have all of our events posted on the Support Calendar on our website! Please visit the URL below, navigate to the day and event you would like to attend, and click on ‘Location’ to open the Zoom session. Let me know if you are having issues accessing the website.

?The Mad Scientist Fair has been rescheduled for February 12th!?

Monday, February 1

Client Council is canceled this week! Join us next week!

LIFE Club: Game Day!

When:  Monday, February 1 from 12:15 pm- 1:00 pm

What: Join us for a game day! We’ll be playing the ‘What Would You Do?’ game where we go over our reactions to different scenarios.

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84207082079

Tuesday, February 2

Pop Culture Club: MLK Jr. Day 

When:  Tuesday, February 2 from 10:00 am-11:00 am

What: Join us as we explore what Martin Luther King Jr. Day is, who he was, and why we celebrate!

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84620087562 

Chill Club: Come Chill with Us

When: Tuesday, February 2 from 1:00 pm- 2:00 pm

What: Learn how to stay chill when life gets tough. This week we’ll be making pinwheels and calming jars! The materials lists are below.

Pinwheel Materials: paper, a straw, and a brass fastener or stick pin

Calming Jars Materials: a small plastic jar (or empty water bottle), water, glue, and glitter. Super glue or hot glue is optional to fasten the lid shut.

Instructions: In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82353558685

Wednesday, February 3

MVP Club

When:  Wednesday, February 3 from 10:00 am-11:00 am

What: Be an MVP (Most Valuable Person) in your community!  In this new group, we will use arts and crafts, games, and engaging discussion to talk about safe relationships, combatting bullying, setting boundaries, and being the best, most valuable person we can be! This group is by reservation only, please contact Gwen if you would like to participate!

Instructions:  In order to participate, please email gwen.bonilla@supportinc.com

Moving and Grooving: Yoga

When:  Wednesday, February 3 from 12:15 pm-1:00 pm

What:  Let’s slow down and take a day to get back to basics. We will stretch and focus on our inner strength by using adaptive yoga techniques.

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85277454478  

Thursday, February 4

Join us for a brand-new story telling experience!

Fairy Tale Factory: Goldilocks and the Three Bears

When:  Wednesday, February 4 from 11:30 am- 12:15 pm

What:  Come play with stories! In this new group we will take favorite folktales, deconstruct them, rewrite them, and put our acting skill so the test by taking on the roles for a performance at the end of every month. February’s story is Goldilocks and the Three Bears! It’s going to be ‘just right’!

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86143640216

Friday, February 5

Pop Culture Club: What the Health!

When:  Friday, February 5 from 12:15 pm- 1:00 pm

What: Join us as we discuss nutrition and what’s good for our bodies.

Instructions:  In order to participate, please followhttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/84620087562

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Quarterly STAR Awards

This month we celebrated our recent STAR Award recipients. These awards are distributed internally for Special Thanks and Recognition.

The categories for awards are listed below.  When you see or hear someone in Support, Inc. going above and beyond, please email your nomination to HR.Admin@supportinc.com with the subject line being STAR Award nomination.  We will collect all submissions and we will deliver awards and recognition according to the frequency listed for each category.

In your email, please include the following:

  • Name of person you are nominating
  • Name of award from list below
  • Describe why your nominee deserves the award, specifically telling the story of the service or suggestion provided that makes your nominee the perfect candidate for the award.


Best Team Player – peer-nominated recognition for someone going the extra mile for their teammates (monthly)

Best Customer Service – a quote from a consumer or provider or something seen or heard by a supervisor or peer regarding excellent internal or external customer service.  We look for patience, attentiveness, ability to relate to customer needs, excellent follow-up, going above and beyond for our clients  (monthly)


Rookie of the Quarter – a newer employee catching on quickly, learning their job and doing more, suggesting improvements that are implemented (quarterly)

Process Improvement Champion – a suggestion for a change leading to increased efficiency, cost savings, boosting morale, or improved customer service that was implemented (quarterly)

Productivity and Quality Award– star performer in their prospective department (quarterly)

QUARTERLY EXCELLENCE AWARDS: Current recipient passes the award on to the next employee

  • Cindy Lou award of excellence in customer service – The Cindy Lou Award is given for ‘Exemplary Customer Service’ by a Support, Inc. employee as recognized by their peers.  This person consistently goes above and beyond for clients, providers, family caregivers, AND fellow employees alike.  Part of providing great customer service is having a strong work ethic. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication by putting in the time to listen and understand, responding to people/situations in a caring and professional manner, being adaptable to changes, and being able to problem solve (even in difficult and stressful situations).  This award is passed on from recipient to recipient.
  • Steve Taylor award of excellence The Steve Taylor Award is given to a fellow co-worker who exemplifies the value of our organization through consumer care and customer service. 

Other Awards

Anniversary Awards – Annual years of service where the month falls within the previous quarter.

Let’s give a big round of applause for the following reward recipients! We appreciate every one of you and your continued dedication to the people we serve.

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Support, Inc.’s Position on the COVID-19 Vaccine

Position on the COVID-19 Vaccine

January 14, 2021

With the start of the COVID-19 vaccine distribution underway, Support, Inc. is encouraged that all of our stakeholders will have the opportunity to receive the vaccine in the near future. Some of our individuals in service that are over the age of 70 are already receiving their first dose of the vaccine. It is understandable that this process may take several months as there is limited access to the vaccine and some confusion around an individual’s eligibility.

As the vaccine becomes available, the following are some of Support, Inc.’s expectations for staff, contractors, families, and individuals in services:

• Receiving the vaccine is voluntary. Although this is the case, we strongly urge everyone to participate unless a health condition precludes you from taking the vaccine.

• If you do not receive a vaccination, this may limit your ability to work directly with some individuals in service. This will depend on the health characteristics of the individual and the setting where the service will be occurring. At a minimum, social distancing, wearing a mask, frequent hand washing, and other infection control procedures will need to continue.

• Participation or non-participation in the vaccine distribution process will be tracked. This is required by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), our licensing agency. The information will be held confidentially and used for health and safety considerations of our individuals in service along with aggregate reporting to CDPHE.

We are here to help you get vaccinated. Help is available for all employees, contractors, families, and individuals in services to get the vaccine. Please contact one of your team members if you need any assistance at all in getting the vaccine. If you have any questions at all, please talk to your supervisor or a team member for assistance.


Virtual Events This Week!

Join us for some upcoming virtual events!

Please follow the links imbedded in this message to participate.

All groups will be fully virtual Monday-Wednesday

Monday, January 25

Client Council is at a new time this week!

Client Council

When:  Monday, January 25 from 11:30 am- 12:15 pm

What: Come let your voice be heard! We’re looking for participants for our brand-new Client Council. We want to hear your thoughts about activities, opportunities, and events in our Day Services program.

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86571217826

LIFE Club: Game Day!

When:  Monday, January 25 from 12:15 pm- 1:00 pm

What: Join us for a game day! We’ll be playing the ‘What Would You Do?’ game where we go over our reactions to different scenarios.

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84207082079

Tuesday, January 26

Pop Culture Club: MLK Jr. Day 

When:  Tuesday, January 26 from 10:00 am-11:00 am

What: Join us as we explore what Martin Luther King Jr. Day is, who he was, and why we celebrate!

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84620087562 

Chill Club is canceled this week. Check back next week!

Wednesday, January 27

MVP Club is canceled this week. Check back next week!

Moving and Grooving: Organized Dance

When:  Wednesday, January 27 from 12:15 pm-1:00 pm

What:  Join us for a dance party where we will learn organized dances! Dancing is a great way to experience different muscle movement.

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85277454478  

Thursday, January 28

Touching Stories is on a hiatus for the time being- keep your eyes peeled for a new story telling experience!

Friday, January 29

Pop Culture Club: What the Health!

When:  Friday, January 29 from 12:15 pm- 1:00 pm

What: Join us as we discuss nutrition and what’s good for our bodies.

Instructions:  In order to participate, please followhttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/84620087562

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STAR Committee Meeting: New Year, Same Me (and Same Agency)

As we enter the third week of the year, many people will soon abandon their New Year’s Resolutions if they haven’t already. The STAR Committee gathered recently to talk about resolutions and to reflect on the last 12 months. 

The committee covered an array of topics ranging from goal setting to compartmentalizing stress in different areas of life. The group remains an open invite to employees and all are welcome to drop-in once a month at their leisure.

At the core of the conversation was the notion that sometimes New Years Resolutions can be rooted in shame. That sometimes we’re led to believe we’re not “good enough” as we are, so we need to lose weight, be more positive and strive to do better against all odds. Despite these annual pressures to “do better and be better”, maybe there’s no improvements to be made in the first place and that’s totally okay. Maybe we’re allowed to accept ourselves as we are, perfectly imperfect and striving for micro goals throughout the year without external expectations for improvements. Whether you decide to set goals or not is up to you, and committee members are here to support one another throughout remainder of this year.

As we usher in a new administration, we remain hopeful that the people and interests we lobby for are well attended to in moving forward. The End the Wait Initiative is a cause worth rooting for, and despite the recent budget cuts, we have a lot to look forward to this year. Our nonprofit arm, BACPAC, is seeing a resurgence. And our DEI Council and Committee has broken up into subcommittees, in an effort to tackle inequities across multiple fronts. Serving people with IDD is at the core of what we do, and we’re optimistic that by the end of this year, we will have seen major improvements across multiple teams to ultimately enhance the services we provide. On behalf of the STAR Committee, we wish everyone a Safe and Happy New Year. Our steadfast dedication to the people and families we serve remains unwavering. Please remember to take care of yourselves and each other.

The STAR Committee serves employees of Support with three objectives guiding the group: Fostering a positive work culture, promoting employee appreciation, and encouraging self-care. The Committee understands what a challenging year 2020 had been and will continue to promote internal opportunities for connection within the organization. In addition, further considerations to explore and strengthen relationships by facilitating one-time events online, mini-series for wellness and email campaigns will be explored, as well. For PRS to connect with their peers, please see our weekly LIFE Club updates on the blog for more information.


Virtual Events This Week

We have a few cancelations this week-in the meantime, check out the groups that we continue to host online!

These groups are still happening!

Wednesday, January 20

MVP Club

When:  Wednesday, January 20 from 10:00 am-11:00 am

What: Be an MVP (Most Valuable Person) in your community!  In this new group, we will use arts and crafts, games, and engaging discussion to talk about safe relationships, combatting bullying, setting boundaries, and being the best, most valuable person we can be! This group is by reservation only, please contact Gwen if you would like to participate!

Instructions:  In order to participate, please email gwen.bonilla@supportinc.com

Friday, January 22

Pop Culture Club: What the Health!

When:  Friday, January 22 from 12:15 pm- 1:00 pm

What: Join us as we discuss nutrition and what’s good for our bodies.

Instructions:  In order to participate, please followhttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/84620087562


COVID-19 communication: Vaccine update #3

To all Support, Inc. Staff, Providers, and Families;

Colorado continues to work through Phase 1A of the State’s COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan and hopes to have the majority of Phase 1A health care workers vaccinated by January 15th. Over the last week, Colorado updated the states COVID-19 vaccine plan. The updated plan expands who is included in Phase 1B to include Coloradoan’s age 70 or older, first responders, front line essential workers and continuity of state government. This week, the State started administering vaccinations to individuals in Phase 1B. We have not received an update on which Phase constituents of Support, Inc. will be eligible for the vaccine however, individuals, providers or family members who are age 70 or older are eligible to get the vaccine at this time.

If someone you support is 70 years of age or over, they are eligible to get the vaccine now. The first step is to contact the individual’s primary care physician to discuss the vaccine and scheduling the two-step vaccine process. Attached is a plain language informational document about the COVID-19 vaccine that was developed by and for people with intellectual disabilities. Vaccine availability varies based on the federal supply and distribution throughout the state. Colorado expects to continue to get weekly shipments of the vaccine.

Vaccine FAQ’s:

Q: Will I be charged for the cost of the vaccine?

A: No, the vaccine will not cost you anything. Medicare, Medicaid, CHP+ and private insurances are required to cover the cost of the vaccine. In addition, uninsured Coloradoan’s will also have access to a free vaccine.

Q: Do I still need to wear a mask and physically distance after receiving the vaccine?

A: Yes. It takes time after getting both steps of the vaccine for your body to respond and make enough antibodies to protect you. This could take up to one to two weeks after your last dose. Current data suggests that it is possible that someone who has been vaccinated against COVID-19 may still have mild to asymptomatic infection or spread the virus to others. So, it is important to continue to take precautions by wearing a mask and practicing social distancing.

Q: Should I get a COVID-19 test to see if I am infected before getting the vaccine?

A: No. The CDC does not recommend getting tested to see if you are infected before getting the vaccine. If you do not have symptoms and have not been recently exposed to COVID-19, there is no need to get a test before deciding whether to get vaccinated.

Q: I already had COVID-19 and have recovered; do I still need to get the vaccine?

A: Both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are likely safe and effective in people who have recovered from a previous COVID-19 infection. The Advisory Committee recommends waiting at least 90 days after recovering from COVID-19 before getting the vaccine. It is currently unknown how long natural immunity lasts after recovering from COVID-19 and, early evidence suggests natural immunity may not last very long as cases of reinfection have been reported.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at Laura.Viers@supportinc.com. Be sure to never miss our correspondences; follow us on Facebook, be sure you are on email and newsletter distribution lists and continue to check out our website for on-going updated about COVID-19 and other happenings around the organization.

Thank you,

Laura Viers

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Host Home Provider of the Month

Please join us in congratulating our final Host Home Provider of the Month for 2020, Alice Bomboma!The following write-up was produced by RPC Shanita Lloyd:

I am nominating Alice B for HHP of the month. Alice has my PRS in her home and we know she can have high expectations at times. Alice welcomed this person in her home with open arms and a big heart. Alice has not once complained about the individual’s long list of expectations of her perfect host home, she does everything with a warm smile on her face. The PRS has had issues with dogs in the past but Alice has allowed her to have her service dog in the home and from this, I have seen great improvement in symptoms. Alice is a great asset to the team and we are happy to have her.


Virtual Events This Week!

Join us for some upcoming virtual events!

Please follow the links imbedded in this message to participate.

Monday, January 4

LIFE Club: Ringing in the New Year

When:  Monday, January 4 from 12:15 pm- 1:00 pm

What: Join us as we set our intentions for 2021 and reflect back on 2020.

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88541386228

Tuesday, January 5

Pop Culture Club: New Year New Ideas 

When:  Tuesday, January 5 from 10:00 am-11:00 am

What: Join us as we discuss our interests and come up with the next Pop Culture Club theme! 

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84620087562 

Chill Club: Come Chill with Us

When: Tuesday, January 5 from 1:00 pm- 2:00 pm

What: Learn how to stay chill when life gets tough.

Instructions: In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82353558685

Wednesday, January 6

MVP Club

When:  Wednesday, January 6 from 10:00 am-11:00 am

What: Be an MVP (Most Valuable Person) in your community!  In this new group, we will use arts and crafts, games, and engaging discussion to talk about safe relationships, combatting bullying, setting boundaries, and being the best, most valuable person we can be! This group is by reservation only, please contact Gwen if you would like to participate!

Instructions:  In order to participate, please email gwen.bonilla@supportinc.com

Moving and Grooving: 80’s Dance Party!

When:  Wednesday, January 6 from 12:15 pm-1:00 pm

What:  This week is all about the 80’s! Come in your most colorful outfits ready to dance!

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85277454478  

Thursday, January 7

Touching Stories

When:  Thursday, January 7 from 11:30 am- 12:15 pm

What: Gwen and Meredith will first lead participants in a scavenger hunt for the sensory items needed for the stories (all items are common items found in every home) and then will tell the sensory-based stories to the group. Please see the attached list for scavenger hunt items.

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86143640216

Friday, January 8

Pop Culture Club: Resolutions and Intentions

When:  Friday, January 8 from 12:15 pm- 1:00 pm

What: Join us as we discuss our New Year’s Resolutions and our intentions for 2021.

Instructions:  In order to participate, please followhttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/84620087562