Map of Support Inc locations

New Locations and Comprehensive Services Webinar

We’re expanding!

Our expansion will help us provide comprehensive residential, day and clinical services to individuals with developmental disabilities throughout Colorado. To learn more, join us for a webinar on Tuesday, February 26th at 11am. RSVP today!

We also have the Zoom link below to access the webinar on February 26th. 

Zoom Meeting Link:


LIFE CLub Events This Week!

Join us for some upcoming virtual events! Check out our new Pop Culture Group on Fridays.

Please follow the links imbedded in this message to participate.

Tuesday, July 7

LIFE Club:  We are taking a break from LIFE Club for Tuesday, July 7. Join us again on Tuesday, July 14!

Wednesday, July 8

Moving and Grooving:  Diving into Summer

When:  Wednesday, July 8 from 12:00pm-1:00pm

What:  We will join together to discuss life’s stressors while improving the physical health of our bodies to create a healthy lifestyle by learning helpful social and exercise habits. Thisgroupwill incorporate a different movement activity every session. This week we are truly diving into summer! We are moving and grooving to some summertime music so we can be ready to hit the pools when they open. This is a great opportunity to be active during a virtual time. Adaptable for all abilities!

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow  at 12:00pm to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact for any questions.

Thursday, July 9

Touching Stories

When:  Thursday, July 9 from 11:00am-12:00pm

What: Touching Stories is a unique therapy model, specifically designed for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, that pairs the social and emotional learning of story with sensory integration activities in a way that is educational, engaging, and simply, a lot of fun! We have adapted our Touching Stories for at home use. Gwen will first lead participants in a scavenger hunt for the sensory items needed for the stories (all items are common items found in every home) and then will tell the sensory-based stories to the group. Please see the attached list for scavenger hunt items. If you are curious to learn more, please watch this video

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow at 11:00am to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact for any questions. Everyone is welcome!

Friday, July 10

Pop Culture Group:  Reflection

When:  Friday, July 10 from 12:00pm-1:00pm

What:  Pop Culture Group is an opportunity for clients to come together and connect over their common interests and explore new ideas at the same time. Come explore different styles of music and comedy for the next six weeks as we discuss, sing, dance, and laugh. Let’s take some time to reflect on all that we’ve experienced in the last few weeks. We want to hear your likes and dislikes and discuss our next topic for this group! This will end our comedy and music session.

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow at 12:00pm to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact for any questions. All are welcome!

Items Needed for Thursday, July 9

We’ll do two stories:

Scavenger Hunt for Little Red Riding Hood!

A Red piece of fabric (big enough to be placed around head and shoulder)

A clove of garlic or garlic powder

A stick or tree branch

Something that smells like flowers

A blanket

A piece of wood or other hard surface

A beach ball or other large ball

A cloth glove

A toothpick

A pillow

Scavenger Hunt for Henny Penny!

Wooden Spoon

Empty box or Hardcover book

Something round like a nut

Shirt with a pocket


“Pail” or a Jar or a bowl

Berries or something that smells like berries



Something Furry/Soft

And get ready to make animal noises for a chicken, a duck, a cow, a goose, a pig, a sheep, and a fox

2019-coronavirus (1)

COVID-19 Updates

From CEO Bentley Smith:

Great job to everyone following the recommended infection control protocols by the Centers for Disease Control and local guidance published by the Colorado Department of Public Environment (CDPHE).  We have had some close calls, but no major known exposures or outbreaks. 

Looking forward to the upcoming summer season, and the lowering of restrictions in our communities, it is imperative that we continue to remain vigilant.  This means following the infection control standards, making informed decisions about activities you may be considering, and discussing your activities with your Support, Inc. team when needed.  The individuals that we serve are considered highly vulnerable to COVID-19, and therefore we all must diligently follow the guidance and limit everyone’s exposure to stop the spread.

You can visit Support, Inc.’s website for the latest news and information, or the CDPHE website for more COVID-19 related information.  Links are below:

Link to Support, Inc. Newsfeed

Link to CDPHE’s COVID-19 Website

We also have our updated screening questions to be used before entering client homes. We will use this same screening tool for visitors entering our offices. For any questions on the screening assessment, please contact Laura at


LIFE Club Events This Week!

Join us for some upcoming virtual events! Check out our new Pop Culture Group on Fridays.

Please follow the links imbedded in this message to participate.

Tuesday, June 30

LIFE Club:  Support, Inc. Jam Session

When:  Tuesday, June 30 from 5:00pm-6:30pm

What: Join us for an evening of friendship, discussion, and learning! These interactive groups will focus on developing skills and confidence for social situations in a way that is fun and informative! LIFE Club is open to all. Join us this week as we create and play our own musical instruments. Let’s get creative with the items in our house to make kazoos, drums, shakers…the possibilities are endless. At the end, we will join together in a jam session.  

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow at 5:00pm to participate. Contact or for any questions. Everyone is welcome!

Wednesday, July 1

Moving and Grooving:  Finding Our Inner Strength

When:  Wednesday, July 3 from 12:00pm-1:00pm

What:  We will join together to discuss life’s stressors while improving the physical health of our bodies to create a healthy lifestyle by learning helpful social and exercise habits. Thisgroupwill incorporate a different movement activity every session. This week will focus on what makes us feel strong. Now that we have spent so much time doing a variety of movement activities, let’s check back in to see our progress. This is a great opportunity to be active during a virtual time. Adaptable for all abilities!

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow  at 12:00pm to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact for any questions.

Thursday, July 2

Touching Stories

When:  Thursday, July 2 from 11:00am-12:00pm

What: Touching Stories is a unique therapy model, specifically designed for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, that pairs the social and emotional learning of story with sensory integration activities in a way that is educational, engaging, and simply, a lot of fun! We have adapted our Touching Stories for at home use. Gwen will first lead participants in a scavenger hunt for the sensory items needed for the stories (all items are common items found in every home) and then will tell the sensory-based stories to the group. Please see the attached list for scavenger hunt items. If you are curious to learn more, please watch this video

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow at 11:00am to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact for any questions. Everyone is welcome!

Friday, July 3

Pop Culture Group:  Show and Tell

When:  Friday, July 3 from 12:00pm-1:00pm

What:  Pop Culture Group is an opportunity for clients to come together and connect over their common interests and explore new ideas at the same time. Come explore different styles of music and comedy for the next six weeks as we discuss, sing, dance, and laugh. This is what we have all been waiting for! Bring your talents, enthusiasm, and support for our friends as we show off our talents and talk about our favorite hobbies. Make sure to invite everyone in your house to show off your new skills in performance!

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow at 12:00pm to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact for any questions. All are welcome!


LIFE Club Events This Week!

Join us for some upcoming virtual events! Check out our new Pop Culture Group on Fridays.

Please follow the links imbedded in this message to participate.

Tuesday, June 16

LIFE Club:  What Makes the Perfect Sandwich?

When:  Tuesday, June 16 from 5:00pm-6:30pm

What: Join us for an evening of friendship, discussion, and learning! These interactive groups will focus on developing skills and confidence for social situations in a way that is fun and informative! LIFE Club is open to all. It is time for another ‘cooking’ lesson. Join us as we discuss what makes the perfect sandwich. We will assemble our sandwiches and then eat together at the end. Come ready to discuss and make your favorite sandwich!

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow at 5:00pm to participate. Contact or for any questions. Everyone is welcome!

Wednesday, June 17

Moving and Grooving:  Tai Chi

When:  Wednesday, June 17 from 12:00pm-1:00pm

What:  We will join together to discuss life’s stressors while improving the physical health of our bodies to create a healthy lifestyle by learning helpful social and exercise habits. Thisgroupwill incorporate a different movement activity every session. This week will have a tai chi theme! There will be a tutorial and visuals for this fun and meditation based exercise. This is a great opportunity to be active during a virtual time. Adaptable for all abilities!

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow  at 12:00pm to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact for any questions.

Thursday, June 18

Touching Stories

When:  Thursday, June 18 from 11:00am-12:00pm

What: Touching Stories is a unique therapy model, specifically designed for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, that pairs the social and emotional learning of story with sensory integration activities in a way that is educational, engaging, and simply, a lot of fun! We have adapted our Touching Stories for at home use. Gwen will first lead participants in a scavenger hunt for the sensory items needed for the stories (all items are common items found in every home) and then will tell the sensory-based stories to the group. Please see the attached list for scavenger hunt items. If you are curious to learn more, please watch this video

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow at 11:00am to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact for any questions. Everyone is welcome!

Friday, June 19

Pop Culture Group

When:  Friday, June 19 from 12:00pm-1:00pm

What:  Pop Culture Group is an opportunity for clients to come together and connect over their common interests and explore new ideas at the same time. Come explore different styles of music and comedy for the next six weeks as we discuss, sing, dance, and laugh. This week we are strengthening our funny bone and focusing on comedy. There will be an opportunity to show us your talents after we learn about the skills it takes to perform.

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow at 12:00pm to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact for any questions. All are welcome!

Items needed for Thursday, June 18

We’ll do two stories:

Stone Soup Scavenger Hunt!

Draw or cut out pictures of

  1. A potato
  2. A tomato
  3. An onion
  4. A zucchini

Find the following items:

  1. A large cooking pot
  2. A flat, round rock (about the size of your hand)
  3. Black pepper
  4. A shirt with a pocket (put the potato picture in the pocket)
  5. A folded blanket or towel (put the tomato picture within the folds)
  6. A pair of pants with a pocket (put the picture of the onion in the pocket)
  7. A boot (put the picture of the zucchini in the boot)
  8. A large spoon
  9. A plate (preferably plastic or metal)
  10. An apple (or something that smells like apple)

Lay the items out in order.  Position the client so that (s)he is sitting at a table


LIFE Club Events This Week!

Join us for some upcoming virtual events! Please follow the links included in the descriptions to participate.

Tuesday, June 9th

LIFE Club:  Dance Party or Game Night

When:  Tuesday, June 9th from 5:00pm-6:30pm

What: Join us for an evening of friendship, discussion, and learning! These interactive groups will focus on developing skills and confidence for social situations in a way that is fun and informative! LIFE Club is open to all. Last week we asked for your thoughts, and we heard you loud and clear! There will be the option of a dance party, playing games, or both! We will take the time to hear everyone’s choice and end the night in a fun way!

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow at 5:00pm to participate. Contact or for any questions. Everyone is welcome!

Wednesday, June 10th

Moving and Grooving:  Disco Dance Party

When:  Wednesday, June 10th from 12:00pm-1:00pm

What:  We will join together to discuss life’s stressors while improving the physical health of our bodies to create a healthy lifestyle by learning helpful social and exercise habits. Thisgroupwill incorporate a different movement activity every session. This week is all about disco! Learn how funky dance moves can be a fun form of exercise. This is a great opportunity to be active during a virtual time. Adaptable for all abilities!

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow at 12:00pm to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact Meredith at for any questions.

Thursday, June 11th

Touching Stories

When:  Thursday, June 11th from 11:00am-12:00pm

What: Touching Stories is a unique therapy model, specifically designed for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, that pairs the social and emotional learning of story with sensory integration activities in a way that is educational, engaging, and simply, a lot of fun! We have adapted our Touching Stories for at home use. Gwen will first lead participants in a scavenger hunt for the sensory items needed for the stories (all items are common items found in every home) and then will tell the sensory-based stories to the group. Please see the attached list for scavenger hunt items. If you are curious to learn more, please watch this video

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow at 11:00am to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact for any questions.

Everyone is welcome!

Items Needed for LIFE Club on Tuesday 6/9/2020

-Petroleum jelly

-Cotton balls (5)

-Party balloons

Items Needed for the Scavenger Hunts on Thursday, June 10

We’ll do two stories:

Stone Cutter’s Scavenger Hunt!

  1. Yoga mat or towel

*Make sure to wear comfy clothes.

Six Blind Men and the Elephant Scavenger Hunt!

Find the following items:

  1. A spice tea bag, cinnamon, or something that smells like cinnamon
  2. A Hairbrush
  3. A piece of rope (or string)
  4.  A hand-held fan or a piece of cardboard
  5. A bucket or small plastic trash can
  6. A picture of an elephant (from a book, magazine or printed froma google image search)

Lay the items out in order.  Position the client so that (s)he is sitting within reach of a wall


LIFE Club Events This Week!

Join us for some upcoming virtual events! Please follow the links included in the descriptions to participate.

Tuesday, May 18

LIFE Club:  Dance Party or Game Night

When:  Tuesday, May 18 from 5:00pm-6:30pm

What: Join us for an evening of friendship, discussion, and learning! These interactive groups will focus on developing skills and confidence for social situations in a way that is fun and informative! LIFE Club is open to all. Last week we asked for your thoughts, and we heard you loud and clear! There will be the option of a dance party, playing games, or both! We will take the time to hear everyone’s choice and end the night in a fun way!

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow at 5:00pm to participate. Contact or for any questions. Everyone is welcome!

Wednesday, May 19

Moving and Grooving:  Disco Dance Party

When:  Wednesday, May 19 from 12:00pm-1:00pm

What:  We will join together to discuss life’s stressors while improving the physical health of our bodies to create a healthy lifestyle by learning helpful social and exercise habits. Thisgroupwill incorporate a different movement activity every session. This week is all about disco! Learn how funky dance moves can be a fun form of exercise. This is a great opportunity to be active during a virtual time. Adaptable for all abilities!

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow at 12:00pm to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact for any questions.

Thursday, May 20

Touching Stories

When:  Thursday, May 20 from 11:00am-12:00pm

What: Touching Stories is a unique therapy model, specifically designed for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, that pairs the social and emotional learning of story with sensory integration activities in a way that is educational, engaging, and simply, a lot of fun! We have adapted our Touching Stories for at home use. Gwen will first lead participants in a scavenger hunt for the sensory items needed for the stories (all items are common items found in every home) and then will tell the sensory-based stories to the group. Please see the attached list for scavenger hunt items. If you are curious to learn more, please watch this video

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow at 11:00am to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact for any questions.

Everyone is welcome!

Untitled Design (43)

Customer Appreciation Parade

BIG News: We have our Customer Appreciation Parade coming up next week, with 10 routes along the Front Range!

With the recent circumstances regarding COVID-19, we know how difficult these times can be. We miss the people we serve and hope you all are doing well.

We want to thank everyone and show our appreciation. We thank you for your diligence in staying safe and taking care of yourself. We thank you for continuing to maintain social distancing standards. And most of all, we thank you for trusting us with your residential services. It is an honor and a privilege to care for the people we serve.

For route details, please contact your coordinator—we’re so excited to deliver gift bags and to see you from a safe distance!!


LIFE Club Events This Week!

Join us for some upcoming virtual events! Please contact the clinicians below to participate in any and all of the groups. They will provide additional information and instructions.

Tuesday, May 12

LIFE Club:  Finding Your Inner Betty Crocker

When:  Tuesday, May 12 from 5:00pm-6:30pm

What: Join us for an evening of friendship, discussion, and learning! These interactive groups will focus on developing skills and confidence for social situations in a way that is fun and informative! LIFE Club is open to all. This week we will be making our favorite snacks! This is a great opportunity work on social skills while having fun in the kitchen. We will provide a recipe with common ingredients! Please contact for more information!

Instructions:  In order to participate, please contact by Tuesday, May 12 at 4:30pm. A link will be sent via email. Please follow the link at 5:00pm to participate. Everyone is welcome!

Wednesday, May 13

Moving and Grooving

When:  Wednesday, May 13 from 12:00pm-1:00pm

What:  We will join together to discuss life’s stressors while improving the physical health of our bodies to create a healthy lifestyle by learning helpful social and exercise habits. Thisgroupwill incorporate a different movement activity every session. We will focus on stretching, mindfulness and inner and outer strength. This is a great opportunity to be active during a virtual time. Adaptable for all abilities!

Instructions:  In order to participate, please contact by Wednesday, May 13 at 10:00am. A link will be sent via email. Please follow the link at 12:00pm to participate. Everyone is welcome!

Thursday, May 14

Touching Stories

When:  Thursday, May 14 from 11:00am-12:00pm

What: Touching Stories is a unique therapy model, specifically designed for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, that pairs the social and emotional learning of story with sensory integration activities in a way that is educational, engaging, and simply, a lot of fun! We have adapted our Touching Stories for at home use. Gwen will first lead participants in a scavenger hunt for the sensory items needed for the stories (all items are common items found in every home) and then will tell the sensory-based stories to the group.

Instructions:  In order to participate, please contact by Thursday, May 14 at 10:00am. A link will be sent via email. Please follow the link at 11:00am to participate. Everyone is welcome!

Scavenger Hunt Items for Touching Stories:

We’ll do three stories:

The Monster on Grandma’s Bed Scavenger Hunt:

Mixing Bowl

Wooden (or other large) Spoon


A piece of dark fabric (towel, blanket, sheet, etc) big enough to go over your head

Something furry (stuffed animal, etc)


Piece of dark paper or cardboard

A small blanket


An herb or spice that smells fresh (basil, dill, mint, etc)

A LONG piece of yarn, string, or rope (REALLY LONG if possible)

Something with a smooth, flat surface — a dinner plate, a picture frame, or a mirror would work

A small piece of silky fabric (a necktie, a silly handkerchief, etc.)


The Stonecutter:

(no scavenger hunt for this story)