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Host Home Provider of the Month

The Denver Metro 1 Team would like to nominate Nancy Rogers-Fleming as Host Home Provider of the Month for her outstanding care and dedication to the people she serves. Nancy recently took on a new person in her home. As you can imagine, things can get complicated trying to coordinate care and schedules for three individuals. Nancy has taken this challenge head on, and despite some early setbacks has helped this person integrate into her home while never missing a beat with the other two in services. We are so thankful for Nancy’s hard work and diligence. She is truly a person helping people – and we don’t know what we would do without her. Thank you, Nancy! 

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Human Resources November Updates

Hi everyone!

We wanted to remind our readers to keep an eye out for Open Enrollment in December. More details will be coming soon!

Also, the Safety Committee is reaching out to bring you some interesting and helpful safety information! Each month you will receive an e-mail from the safety committee regarding different safety topics. If you have topics you think would be helpful to your Support Inc. team, or you would be interested in joining, feel free to connect with anyone on the safety committee!

November Safety Topic:

Safe Travel Tips!

Did you know that during a 6-day period around Thanksgiving, the number of long-distance trips increases in the U.S by 54%!?

And 91% of that is by vehicle!

If you are looking to travel this holiday season (particularly in winter weather), please keep in mind the below tips.

  1. Prepare your car: make sure routine maintenance is followed, tires have a safe tread level and fluid levels are correct.
  2. Plan ahead for any stops, layovers, or overnight stays. This not only helps with finding best prices but allows you to plan ahead for any location specific needs (appropriate clothing, gas stops, emergency services).
  3. Be alert when driving. Take breaks, share driving responsibilities, be cautious of tailgaters or aggressive drivers and finally, if you are tired, find a place to sleep!
  4. Keep a first aid kit and weather specific items in your car. Extra clothing, water, jumper cables, and tire chains are just a few of the items that can be easily kept as an emergency kit.                                https://www.almanac.com/content/winter-car-emergency-kit
  5. If you are traveling to an unfamiliar place: research your destination, make copies of important documents, don’t keep all your money in one place and keep family and friends updated.

There are many helpful articles out there for further tips so do your research and stay safe this holiday season!

Finally, last but not least here are a couple travel memes to enjoy-

In addition, the STAR Committee enjoyed a recent meeting in which we exchanged Halloween photos over Zoom. From dressed up employees to the individuals we serve, there was certainly no shortage of cuteness.

Behind the scenes at Fox31 News- 15 minutes before we went live!

Support, Inc. Featured on Fox31 News

Support, Inc. was proud to recently showcase it’s Host Home Provider services on Fox 31 News. Heather, Shaunti and Cathy were recently interviewed before Shaunti and Heather embark on their 6 week road trip across the country.

Earlier this year 667 spots became available through Colorado’s developmental disability waiver program. For many eligible Coloradans – who have waited an average of 15 years – this means they are finally be able to access 24-hour community-based services, either at home or in host homes.

With more than 32 years of experience, Support, Inc. a leading provider of community based solutions is here and ready to help. Support, Inc. team offers a wide range of residential, day and clinical services to clients across the front range of Colorado. Support, Inc. has a unique, whole-person approach that allows caregivers to develop a deep understanding of each individual’s needs.

Support, Inc. is redefining the life experience for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Recently, we were thrilled to highlight one of our favorite Host Home matches, Shaunti and Heather. Heather has truly become a part of Shaunti’s family; since beginning their road trip, we have truly enjoyed their adventures from a vicarious standpoint, living through their photos and recent videos.

Check out a few photos from Heather, Shaunti and Brent’s road trip! To learn more information, please follow this link.

You can apply to become a Host Home Provider with Support, Inc. by applying at www.supportinc.com

And if you have a family member or a loved one searching for placement, please email us at placement.team@supportinc.com


COVID-19 Communication

To Support, Inc. staff, providers and families

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) amended the emergency use authorization for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine to allow for a single booster to select populations. The booster dose is to be administered at least 6 months after completion of the primary two dose series. The following individuals, if they were initially vaccinated with Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, may get a booster shot at this time.

  • People aged 65 and older
  • People aged 18-64 at high risk of severe COVID-19
    • Medical conditions that may put people at higher risk of severe COVID-19
      • Cancer
      • Chronic kidney disease
      • Chronic lung disease including COPD, asthma (moderate to severe), interstitial lung disease, cystic fibrosis, and pulmonary hypertension.
      • Dementia
      • Diabetes (type 1 or type 2)
      • Down syndrome
      • Heart conditions (heart failure, coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathies, hypertension)
      • HIV infection
      • Immunocompromised state
      • Liver disease
      • Overweight or obesity (BMI greater than 25 kg/m2)
      • Pregnancy
      • Sickle cell disease or thalassemia
      • Smoking, current or former
      • Solid organ or blood stem cell transplant
      • Stroke or cerebrovascular disease which affects blood flow to the brain
      • Substance use disorders (alcohol, opioids cocaine use disorders)
  • People aged 18-64 whose frequent institutional or occupational exposure to COVID-19 puts them at high risk for serious complications of COVID-19 including severe COVID-19.
    • Occupations at increased risk for COVID-19 exposure and transmission include front line essential workers and health care workers in the following positions:
      • First responders (healthcare workers, firefighters, police, congregate care staff)
      • Education staff (teachers, support staff, daycare workers)
      • Food and agriculture workers
      • Manufacturing workers
      • Corrections workers
      • U.S. postal service workers
      • Public transit workers
      • Grocery store workers

At this time only the above individuals who received the Pfizer vaccine are eligible for a booster dose. The decision to get a booster dose should be made between the individual and their primary care physician. Over time, we may see additional populations being recommended to receive a booster dose as more data becomes available. People in the recommended groups above who received Johnson & Johnson or Moderna may need a booster in the future, more data on the effectiveness of booster doses with these manufactures is being conducted. The need for a booster dose doesn’t mean the COVID-19 vaccines aren’t working. Current data continues to show all three COVID-19 vaccines are working to prevent severe illness, hospitalization, and death even against the Delta variant. However, public health experts have started seeing a reduced protection, especially among certain populations, against mild to moderate disease. 

If you or someone you support received the initial two dose series of the Pfizer vaccine AND meet the criteria for a booster above, please contact their primary care physician to discuss eligibility criteria and to schedule a booster dose.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to myself or your supervisor. We will continue to provide updates through email, our website and our Facebook page.

Thank you, Laura Viers
Associate Director of Quality Assurance



Jeremy and Mikey Enjoy an Outdoor Outing

At Support, Inc. we enjoy our weekend outings; when the weather is warm and the air is clear, what better time to enjoy a trip to the lake?

Richard Shaw looked forward to his annual trip with Jeremy and Mikey recently. For the last 5 out of 7 years, the boys would rent a cabin together and take a trip on the lake with a pontoon boat. Although the trip was cancelled last year due to COVID-19, Rich reports the group had a blast recently getting back together for a late-summer adventure.

Carter Lake, located near Fort Collins, offers a secluded feeling without being too far from civilization. Rich rent a pontoon for 3 hours, so the three of them could fish off the ledge. When asked how Jeremey and Mikey know each other, Rich replied, “They live in separate host homes, but they’ve know each other from BACPAC. Mikey and Jeremey used to participate in horse-back riding together. This eventually transformed into a camping event. They’ve known each other for over 10 years through various activities at Support, Inc.”

When the boys aren’t hanging out at the cabin or fishing on the lake, they’re shopping in downtown Estes Park. Jeremey and Mikey enjoy spending money in the downtown area, walking around and checking out the shops. Going out to eat is also a welcomed reprieve from the midday heat. From fishing and shopping to the overall sense of comradery, it’s the connections in this group that make the weekend trek well worth the trip.  

Rich relays how excited Jeremey and Mikey were to catch up-this marked their first face-to-face interaction in over two years. In the midst of this pandemic, we fully support maintaining safe connections and increasing supports for people with IDD. The friendship Mikey and Jeremey have developed over the last 10 years is something we hope all of our People Receiving Services (PRS) can achieve through the events that we host at Support, Inc.

We thank Rich for taking the time to make these trips happen, and we also thank our Host Home Providers (HHPs) for preparing Mikey and Jeremey as the weekend approached. It takes planning and dedication to gather supplies, medications and fishing gear for these weekend excursions; with the help of Linda Johnston and Jim Pendleton over the last 10 years, Rich has been able to provide valuable  and meaningful life experiences to many folks in the IDD community, including Mikey and Jeremy. 

We greatly appreciate the help of our staff and providers that ensure our individuals have a fun and safe weekend. Although Rich attributes most of the work to the HHPs, we wouldn’t have a successful BACPAC program without Rich and our wonderful staff!

For similar events, keep an eye out for BACPAC opportunities. We continue to closely monitor COVID-19 updates at the federal and local levels. As such, health and safety remain the top priority. When Support, Inc. is able to plan additional trips, we will most certainly share details and information on our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/supportinc1989


LIFE Club Events This Week!

Join us for some upcoming virtual events! Any and all are welcome!

We have now added another Moving & Grooving! Join us on Wednesdays at 12pm AND Thursdays at 12:45 p.m.

We will also offer a Sensory Walk opportunity on Friday at 10 a.m. Please see below for information!

Tuesday, August 11

LIFE Club:  State of the Group

When:  Tuesday, August 11 from 5:00pm-6:30pm

What: Join us for an evening of friendship, discussion, and learning! These interactive groups will focus on developing skills and confidence for social situations in a way that is fun and informative!This week we will take some time to check in to see how everyone is doing. We will discuss everyone’s likes and dislikes and reflect on how this year has gone. The evening will end with some fun games! LIFE Club is open to all.

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89924525638 at 5:00pm to participate. Contact christopher.sharkey@supportinc.com or gwen.bonilla@supportinc.com for any questions. Everyone is welcome!

Wednesday, August 12

Moving and Grooving:  Strength

When:  Wednesday, August 12 from 12:00pm-1:00pm

What:  We will join together to discuss life’s stressors while improving the physical health of our bodies to create a healthy lifestyle by learning helpful social and exercise habits. Thisgroupwill incorporate a different movement activity every session. This week is all about strength. What makes you strong? We will discuss different types of strengths and how it relates to both our inner and outer selves. This is a great opportunity to be active during a virtual time. Adaptable for all abilities! Moving and Grooving is open to all.

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85277454478  at 12:00pm to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact ashley.treiber@supportinc.com for any questions.

Thursday, August 13

Touching Stories

When:  Thursday, August 13 from 11:00am-12:00pm

What: Touching Stories is a unique therapy model, specifically designed for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, that pairs the social and emotional learning of story with sensory integration activities in a way that is educational, engaging, and simply, a lot of fun! We have adapted our Touching Stories for at home use. Gwen and Meredith will first lead participants in a scavenger hunt for the sensory items needed for the stories (all items are common items found in every home) and then will tell the sensory-based stories to the group. Please see the attached list for scavenger hunt items. If you are curious to learn more, please watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcjzvevJ9_w&t=67s. Touching Stories is open to all.

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86143640216 at 11:00am to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact gwen.bonilla@supportinc.com or meredith.kane@supportinc.com for any questions. Everyone is welcome!

Moving and Grooving:  You Pick It!

When:  Thursday, August 13 from 12:45pm-1:45pm

What:  We will join together to discuss life’s stressors while improving the physical health of our bodies to create a healthy lifestyle by learning helpful social and exercise habits. Thisgroupwill incorporate a different movement activity every session. This week is all about you! We will all get the chance to choose a song to dance to. Be sure to show us your best dance moves! This is a great opportunity to be active during a virtual time. Adaptable for all abilities! Moving and Grooving is open to all.

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85277454478  at 12:00pm to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact ashley.treiber@supportinc.com for any questions.

Friday, August 14

Sensory Walk

When:  Friday, August 12 from 10:00am-11:00am

What:  This is an excellent opportunity to get out and hang out with friends in a safe and social distancing way. Meet us site-based in the parking lot behind Day Program before we go for a sensory walk around the neighborhood. We will notice all the sights, sounds, smells, and touching in a safe and staggered environment. All clients and DSPs are welcome!

Instructions:  In order to participate,please contact Gwen at gwen.bonilla@supportinc.com. Please arrive no earlier that 9:30am and be prepared to be picked up no later than 11:30am. Masks will be required for this activity.

Address:  Support, Inc.

                  15591 E Centretech Pkwy

                 Aurora, CO 80011

Pop Culture Group: That’s a Wrap!

When:  Friday, August 14 from 12:00pm-1:00pm

What:  Pop Culture Group is an opportunity for clients to come together and connect over their common interests and explore new ideas at the same time. Come explore different styles of cartoons, animation, and comedy through illustrated art. We will learn, laugh, and watch in this upcoming session focused on cartoons and animation. This one is for the tv lovers! Let’s take some time to reflect on all that we’ve experienced in the last few weeks. We want to hear your likes and dislikes and discuss our next topic for this group! This will end our first cartoon and animation session. Pop Culture Group is open to all.

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88042448634 at 12:00pm to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact meredith.kane@supportinc.com for any questions. All are welcome!

Items Needed for Thursday, August 13

We’ll do two stories:

Scavenger Hunt for How the Elephant Got Its Trunk!

Find the following items:

  1. A spray bottle
  2. Tongs
  3. A long sock
  4. Something that smells like flowers
  5. A banana or something that smells and/or tastes like a banana. Any fruit would be acceptable!

Scavenger Hunt for Obedient Jack!

  1. Yoga mat or towel

*Make sure to wear comfy clothes.