Tuesday, September 15
Pop Culture Group: Cartoons and Animation
When: Tuesday, September 15 from
What: Pop Culture Group is an opportunity for
clients to come together and connect over their common interests and explore
new ideas at the same time. Come explore different styles of cartoons,
animation, and comedy through illustrated art. We will learn, laugh, and watch
in this upcoming session focused on cartoons and animation. This one is for the
tv lovers! Pop Culture Group is open to all.
Instructions: In order to participate,
please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83324855770 at 10:00am to participate.
Everyone is welcome! Contact meredith.kane@supportinc.com
for any questions. All are welcome!
LIFE Club: Game
When: Tuesday, September 15 from 5:00pm-6:00pm
What: Join us for an evening of friendship,
discussion, and learning! These interactive groups will focus on developing
skills and confidence for social situations in a way that is fun and
informative! It’s time for another game night. Join us as we learn some new
virtual games and discuss what some of our favorite games have been. Let’s get
to know each other virtually! LIFE Club is open to all.
Instructions: In order to participate,
please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88541386228
at 5:00pm to participate. Contact christopher.sharkey@supportinc.com
or gwen.bonilla@supportinc.com
for any questions. Everyone is welcome!
September 16
Moving and Grooving: Strength
When: Wednesday, September 16 from
What: We will join together to discuss
life’s stressors while improving the physical health of our bodies to create a
healthy lifestyle by learning helpful social and exercise habits. Thisgroupwill incorporate a different movement activity every session. This week is
all about strength. What makes you strong? We will discuss different types of
strengths and how it relates to both our inner and outer selves. This is a
great opportunity to be active during a virtual time. Adaptable for all
abilities! Moving and Grooving is open to all.
Instructions: In order to participate,
please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85277454478
at 12:00pm to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact ashley.treiber@supportinc.com
or meredith.kane@supportinc.com
for any questions.
September 17
Touching Stories
When: Thursday, September 17 from
What: Touching Stories is a unique therapy
model, specifically designed for people with intellectual and developmental
disabilities, that pairs the social and emotional learning of story with
sensory integration activities in a way that is educational, engaging, and
simply, a lot of fun! We have adapted our Touching Stories for at home use.
Gwen and Meredith will first lead participants in a scavenger hunt for the
sensory items needed for the stories (all items are common items found in every
home) and then will tell the sensory-based stories to the group. Please see the
attached list for scavenger hunt items. If you are curious to learn more,
please watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcjzvevJ9_w&t=67s.
Touching Stories is open to all.
Instructions: In order to participate,
please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86143640216 at 11:00am to participate.
Everyone is welcome! Contact gwen.bonilla@supportinc.com
or meredith.kane@supportinc.com
for any questions. Everyone is welcome!
Moving and Grooving: Adaptive Yoga
When: Thursday, September 17 from
What: We will join together to discuss
life’s stressors while improving the physical health of our bodies to create a
healthy lifestyle by learning helpful social and exercise habits. Thisgroupwill incorporate a different movement activity every session. Let’s slow
down and take a day to get back to basics. We will stretch and focus on our
inner strength by using adaptive yoga techniques. This is a great opportunity
to be active during a virtual time. Adaptable for all abilities! Moving and
Grooving is open to all.
Instructions: In order to participate, please
follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83907174169
at 12:00pm to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact ashley.treiber@supportinc.com
for any questions.
September 18
Pop Culture Group: Show and Tell
When: Friday, September 18 from
What: Pop Culture Group is an opportunity
for clients to come together and connect over their common interests and
explore new ideas at the same time. Join us as we explore the exciting genre of
mystery. We will learn, watch and solve in this upcoming session focused on
mysteries and unexplained phenomenon. The game is afoot! This week we will “get
a clue” about what makes mysteries work. This is what we have all been waiting
for! Bring your talents, enthusiasm, and support for our friends as we show off
our talents and talk about our favorite hobbies. Make sure to invite everyone
in your house to show off your new skills in performance! Pop Culture Group
is open to all.
Instructions: In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83324855770 at 12:00pm to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact meredith.kane@supportinc.com for any questions. All are welcome!
Items Needed For Thursday, September 17
We’ll do two stories:
Scavenger Hunt for Little Red Hen!
Find the following items:
1.3 pennies
2. A squishy pillow (with a pillowcase)
3. A rolling pin (If you don’t have that, a can or a bottle will do!)
4. A water glass
5. A spoon
6. A piece of bread
You should be sitting at a hard, flat surface
for this story
Writing Our Own Story!
*Let’s work together and create our
own story for Touching Stories. The only thing you need to bring is yourself.