2019-coronavirus (1)

COVID-19 Operating Protocol

Procedure for all employees and contractors

Support, Inc. will monitor developments of COVID -19 and follow recommendations and orders of the CDC, CDPHE, HCPF, CMS, state and county governments. This protocol will be updated as needed with any changes. Support, Inc. will provide on-going updates and communication through email, website and social media. Posters will be put up in common areas of the office to encourage employees to stay home when sick and provide infection control steps and cough and sneeze etiquette.

The following rules apply for anyone who is sick, showing signs or symptoms of COVID-19, has been exposed to someone presumed to have COVID-19 for having or known to have COVID-19:

· Employees should not visit the office or have contact with individuals in services and will follow the COVID-19 exposure procedure. Employees will immediately report their symptoms or exposure details to their supervisor.

· Contractors should not visit the office. The provider will immediately inform their Residential Program Coordinator and begin to self-isolate in a designated room of the home. When possible, a certified co-provider without symptoms or exposure should provide all direct care. If a certified co-provider is not available, the provider should follow universal precautions when interacting and providing care to individuals in the home. This includes wearing a mask and gloves and following infection control steps.

All employees and contractors will follow infection control practices to protect against the spread of illness.

Employees and contractors will stay informed of developments of COVID-19, recommendations from state and federal authorities, and local ordinances and restrictions. Employees will stay in close communication with individuals in service, providers and their supervisor to help navigate potential high-risk activities. Examples of situations that should be discuss include;

· Air travel

· Travel to high-risk areas or areas designated as ‘hot-spots’

· Attending gathering of 10 or more people

· Participating in activities where people will not be social distancing

· Participating in activities that will put you in close contact with other people or activities in which you have to share tools or equipment with others

Employees and contractors will also consider their own personal risk factors and those of the individual when discussing the above situations. The following groups of people are considered to be high risk of experiencing complications due to COVID- 19:

· People 65 years of age or older

· People with chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma

· People who have a serious heart condition

· Those who are immunocompromised

· Pregnant women

· Those determined to be high risk by a licensed healthcare provider

· Anyone living in a home with an individual considered vulnerable

Prior to an individual in services returning to work or day program services, an IDT meeting will be held and documented. The IDT will discuss the following to determine the appropriateness of the individual returning;

· Individual risk factors noted above

· The individual’s ability and willingness to wear a mask or face covering

· The individual’s ability and willingness to maintain social distancing

· How the individual will be transported to and from day program/work

· How the day program/work site will ensure the individual’s health and safety such as social distancing, mask wearing, and how outbreaks will be communicated

The Associate Director of Quality Assurance will respond to COVID-19 concerns and questions by email laura.viers@supportinc.com or phone 970-667-7424 ext.200.

Operating protocol for Aurora office use:

Employees who can should work from home as much as possible. When using the office:

· Employees will utilize the calendar to schedule times they will be in the office.

· In-person meeting and trainings at the office will have no more than 6 people.

· The conference rooms will be marked indicating 6 feet between chairs. Chairs will not be moved from these markings.

· The office will be cleaned on a regular basis, and disinfectant wipes/spray will be available for employees to use as needed.

· All employees will wear a face covering or mask in the office when social distancing (6 feet between people) is not able to be maintained or the environment may be unpredictable.

o Example of unpredictable environments are walking around office areas such as bathrooms, kitchen, printer area, etc.

Visitors will not be permitted into the office without appointment.

· All visitors are required to wear face masks or face coverings when entering the office.

· Prior to entry, all visitors will be screened for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 using Support, Inc.’s screening questions.

· Contractors are asked to scan, fax or take pictures of any paperwork or receipts to send into the office instead of dropping off hard copies.

Operating protocol for site-based services

Prior to any individual receiving group day habilitation services, Support, Inc. will review the person’s vulnerability/risk level, ability and willingness to follow social distancing orders and wearing a mask or face covering. The following groups of people are considered to be high risk for experiencing complications due to COVID-19:

§ People 65 years of age or older

§ People with chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma

§ People who have a serious heart condition§ Those who are immunocompromised

§ Pregnant women

§ Those determined to be high risk by a licensed healthcare provider

§ Anyone living in a home with an individual considered vulnerable

1. The setting will not exceed capacity to the point of reducing safe and appropriate social distancing (at least 6 feet between people).

a. Staff will encourage and maintain social distancing between people during dining, when in motion around the site, and during other activities.

b. There will be a minimum of 50 square feet per person in the space.

2. Face masks or face coverings will be worn

a. All staff will wear a face mask or face covering while rendering services.

b. Participants are encouraged to wear a mask or face covering.

i. Support, Inc. has provided re-usable face coverings for all participants.

ii. Staff will educate, encourage and monitor participant use of masks.

3. Participants must safely travel to/from the setting. Social distancing must be maintained during transportation. If non-medical transportation is utilized, rides will be limited to:

a. One person per 5-passenger vehicle

b. Two people per 7-passenger vehicle

c. Five people per 15-passsenger vehicles.

d. If individuals reside in the same home, they may travel together without restrictions.

4. Appropriate facility cleaning methods will be followed:

a. The location will be professionally cleaned Monday-Friday

b. The location will be professionally disinfected meeting EPA requirements every other week

c. On-going cleaning and disinfecting will occur daily on frequently touched/ used surfaces including but not limited to door handles, tables, activity supplies, etc.

5. Prior to any staff or members entering the settings, limited health screening will be completed by the floor supervisor. Limited health screenings of employees will be recorded and filed in SharePoint. The screening will include;

i. Symptom screening

ii. Temperature taken

iii. Travel screening

6. In the event of an outbreak of COVID-19 or potential exposure, Support, Inc. will communicate on an individual, case by case basis.

7. If further restrictions or program closures must occur, changes will be communicated to participants and providers through email, website, in-person and/or automated phone message.

Operating protocol for ‘other’ client contact

1. Before visiting an individual, employees will complete COVID-19 screening questions prior to arriving to the home. Providers will communicate to staff should the individual develop signs or symptoms of COVID-19 to determine appropriateness of the staff visiting.

2. Social distancing (at least 6 feet between people) will be maintained when possible.

3. Staff will wear a face covering or mask at all times.Support, Inc. screening questions:

  1. Do you or anyone in your home have the presence of any of these flu-like symptoms?
    1. Fever or chills
    2. Cough
    3. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    4. Muscle or body aches
    5. New loss of taste or smell
    6. Sore throat
  2. In the past 14 days, have you or anyone in the home had contact with someone who has been exposed to or has been diagnosed with COVID-19?
  3. In the past 14 days, have you or anyone in the home traveled via airplane internationally or domestically?

2019-coronavirus (1)

Knowing Your Risk During COVID-19

What to know before going out

  • The more closely you interact with others and the longer that interaction, the higher risk of COVID-19 spread.
  • Keep these items with you when venturing out;
    • Cloth face covering
    • Tissues
    • Hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
  • Some people have the virus and don’t have any symptoms

Things to think about before going out

  • How many people will you interact with?
    • Interacting with more people raises your risk
    • Being in a group with people who aren’t social distancing or wearing cloth face coverings increase your risk.
  • Can you keep 6 feet of space between you and others?
    • The closer you are to other people who may be infected, the greater our risk of getting sick.
  • Will you be indoors or outdoors?
    • Indoor spaces have less ventilation and might be harder to keep people apart.
  • What’s the length of time that you will be interacting with people?
    • Spending more time with people who may be infected increases your risk of becoming infected.
    • Spending more time with people increases their risk of becoming infected if there is any chance that you may already be infect.

Consider before you go

  • Is COVID-19 spreading in my community?
  • What are the local orders in my community?
  • Will my activity put me in close contact with others?
  • Am I at risk for severe illness?
  • Do I live with someone who is at risk for severe illness?
  • Do I practice every day preventative actions?
  • Will I share any items, equipment or tools with other people?
  • Will I need to take public transportation to get to the activity?
  • Does my activity require travel to another community?
  • If I get sick with COVID-19, will I have to miss work?
  • Do I know what to do if I get sick?

LIFE Club Events This Week!

Join us for some upcoming virtual events! Any and all are welcome!

We are switching to a different platform for LIFE Club. Please follow the links imbedded in this message to participate.

Tuesday, July 28

LIFE Club:  Game Night

When:  Tuesday, July 28 from 5:00pm-6:30pm

What: Join us for an evening of friendship, discussion, and learning! These interactive groups will focus on developing skills and confidence for social situations in a way that is fun and informative! This week we will go back to a classic and have a game night! We will play charades and other fun word games. Please follow the new link below to participate! LIFE Club is open to all.

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow meet.google.com/cvq-xaya-swy at 5:00pm to participate. Contact christopher.sharkey@supportinc.com or gwen.bonilla@supportinc.com for any questions. Everyone is welcome!

Wednesday, July 29

Moving and Grooving:  Tai Chi

When:  Wednesday, July 29 from 12:00pm-1:00pm

What:  We will join together to discuss life’s stressors while improving the physical health of our bodies to create a healthy lifestyle by learning helpful social and exercise habits. Thisgroupwill incorporate a different movement activity every session. This week will have a tai chi theme! There will be a tutorial and visuals for this fun and meditation based exercise. This is a great opportunity to be active during a virtual time. Adaptable for all abilities!

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85277454478  at 12:00pm to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact ashley.treiber@supportinc.com for any questions.

Thursday, July 30

Touching Stories

When:  Thursday, July 30 from 11:00am-12:00pm

What: Touching Stories is a unique therapy model, specifically designed for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, that pairs the social and emotional learning of story with sensory integration activities in a way that is educational, engaging, and simply, a lot of fun! We have adapted our Touching Stories for at home use. Gwen and Meredith will first lead participants in a scavenger hunt for the sensory items needed for the stories (all items are common items found in every home) and then will tell the sensory-based stories to the group. Please see the attached list for scavenger hunt items. If you are curious to learn more, please watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcjzvevJ9_w&t=67s.

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86143640216 at 11:00am to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact gwen.bonilla@supportinc.com or meredith.kane@supportinc.com for any questions. Everyone is welcome!

Friday, July 31

Pop Culture Group:  Cartoons and Animation

When:  Friday, July 31 from 12:00pm-1:00pm

What:  Pop Culture Group is an opportunity for clients to come together and connect over their common interests and explore new ideas at the same time. Come explore different styles of cartoons, animation, and comedy through illustrated art. We will learn, laugh, and watch in this upcoming session focused on cartoons and animation. Last we learned what “episodic” means. This week we are watching more than one episode and talking about how story lines can connect. This one is for the tv lovers!

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88042448634 at 12:00pm to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact meredith.kane@supportinc.com for any questions. All are welcome!

Items Needed For Thursday, July 30

We’ll do two stories:

Scavenger Hunt for Henny Penny!

  1. Wooden Spoon
  2. Empty box or Hardcover book
  3. Something round like a nut
  4. Shirt with a pocket
  5. String
  6. “Pail” or a Jar or a bowl
  7. Berries or something that smells like berries
  8. Nails/Screws/etc
  9. Buttons
  10. Something Furry/Soft
  11. And get ready to make animal noises for a chicken, a duck, a cow, a goose, a pig, a sheep, and a fox

A Day at the Beach Scavenger Hunt!

  1. Shredded up newspaper (just a couple sheets)
  2. A plastic bag
  3. Something that smells like flowers (real flowers, a candle, perfume, etc.)
  4. Sandpaper (or something that feels gritty – a pumice stone, or the rough side of a scrubbing sponge)
  5. Vanilla (or something that smells like vanilla)
  6. Bubbles (you can get them at the dollar store or grocery store, but if that’s not available, a little  dish soap in water)
  7. Aluminum foil
  8. A towel
  9. Bandaid

Host Home Provider of the Month

Please join us in congratulating our recent Host Home Provider of the Month, Christine Silitonga.

The following write-ups were produced by our Denver Metro 3 Team:

We first met Christine Silitonga in July of 2019 when her PRS was discharged from Wheat Ridge Regional Center to her home. From day one, he was considered part of her family and enjoyed BBQ’s, parties and other activities with them when able. Although it was challenging in the beginning due to increased symptoms of dementia, Christine kept moving forward, showing her love and compassion for this individual as he struggled through numerous health issues. She was dedicated, worked around the clock and always kept a positive attitude. Christine was there day in and day out while this person endured multiple hospitalizations. Hospital staff would call Christine for assistance as they could see how strong their bond was. She could calm this person down when he was in pain and feed him when he wouldn’t eat for anyone else. Christine, his med proxy, and team at Support, Inc worked together to challenge medical decisions to ensure he got the best care possible. She was an advocate for him, showed the world that he had a will to live and that he most certainly had a good quality of life.

After a recent hospitalization, Christine went to great lengths to set up this person’s room as though he were at the hospital so she could provide continuous care to him in the comfort of his own home. Those who previously worked with this individual, his case manager at the CCB and his whole team at Support, Inc will be forever grateful for the love and compassion that he was shown at Christine’s home and we know that if he could tell us now, he would say that he lived his best life, right up until his last breath.
-Dani Gordon/Associate Director, Support, Inc.

Christine has been an exemplary provider since I first met her, and I had no doubt our PRS would get amazing care. From the get-go, she showed a willingness to care for him no matter the difficulty. As this person’s health began to decline, she did everything in her power to treat him with love and dignity and was a true advocate. She always put him first, including staying numerous days and nights in the hospital with him to ensure he got the best care possible. She took on an amazing amount of health assignments to keep this individual healthy and happy at home. She did these things until he eventually passed on, but we never doubted her love and commitment to him every single day. Christine deserves this as much as any person in this organization. Congratulations Christine 🙂
-Jared Trembly/RPC, Support, Inc


LIFE Club Events This Week!

Join us for some upcoming virtual events! Check out our new Pop Culture Group on Fridays.

Please follow the links imbedded in this message to participate.

Tuesday, July 14

LIFE Club:  The “Ungame”

When:  Tuesday, July 14 from 5:00pm-6:30pm

What: Join us for an evening of friendship, discussion, and learning! These interactive groups will focus on developing skills and confidence for social situations in a way that is fun and informative! The UnGame is the game with a thousand answers to every question!  In this non-competitive game, everybody wins as we learn more about each other by asking questions like “What would you do with a million dollars” and “If you were going to write a book, what would the title be?” LIFE Club is open to all.

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89924525638 at 5:00pm to participate. Contact christopher.sharkey@supportinc.com or gwen.bonilla@supportinc.com for any questions. Everyone is welcome!

Wednesday, July 15

Moving and Grooving:  Adaptive Yoga

When:  Wednesday, July 15 from 12:00pm-1:00pm

What:  We will join together to discuss life’s stressors while improving the physical health of our bodies to create a healthy lifestyle by learning helpful social and exercise habits. Thisgroupwill incorporate a different movement activity every session. Let’s slow down and take a day to get back to basics. We will stretch and focus on our inner strength by using adaptive yoga techniques. This is a great opportunity to be active during a virtual time. Adaptable for all abilities!

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85277454478  at 12:00pm to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact ashley.treiber@supportinc.com for any questions.

Thursday, July 16

Touching Stories

When:  Thursday, July 16 from 11:00am-12:00pm

What: Touching Stories is a unique therapy model, specifically designed for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, that pairs the social and emotional learning of story with sensory integration activities in a way that is educational, engaging, and simply, a lot of fun! We have adapted our Touching Stories for at home use. Gwen and Meredith will first lead participants in a scavenger hunt for the sensory items needed for the stories (all items are common items found in every home) and then will tell the sensory-based stories to the group. Please see the attached list for scavenger hunt items. If you are curious to learn more, please watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcjzvevJ9_w&t=67s.

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86143640216 at 11:00am to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact gwen.bonilla@supportinc.com or meredith.kane@supportinc.com for any questions. Everyone is welcome!

Friday, July 17

Pop Culture Group:  Cartoons and Animation

When:  Friday, July 17 from 12:00pm-1:00pm

What:  Pop Culture Group is an opportunity for clients to come together and connect over their common interests and explore new ideas at the same time. Come explore different styles of cartoons, animation, and comedy through illustrated art. We will learn, laugh, and watch in this upcoming session focused on cartoons and animation. This one is for the tv lovers!

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88042448634 at 12:00pm to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact meredith.kane@supportinc.com for any questions. All are welcome!

Items Needed For Thursday, July 16

We’ll do two stories:

Scavenger Hunt for How the Elephant Got Its Trunk!

Find the following items:

  1. A spray bottle
  2. Tongs
  3. A long sock
  4. Something that smells like flowers
  5. A banana or something that smells and/or tastes like a banana. Any fruit would be acceptable!

Scavenger Hunt for Six Blind Men and the Elephant!

Find the following items:

  1. A spice tea bag, cinnamon, or something that smells like cinnamon
  2. A Hairbrush
  3. A piece of rope (or string)
  4.  A hand-held fan or a piece of cardboard
  5. A bucket or small plastic trash can
  6. A picture of an elephant (from a book, magazine or printed froma google image search)

Lay the items out in order.  Position the client so that (s)he is sitting within reach of a wall


LIFE CLub Events This Week!

Join us for some upcoming virtual events! Check out our new Pop Culture Group on Fridays.

Please follow the links imbedded in this message to participate.

Tuesday, July 7

LIFE Club:  We are taking a break from LIFE Club for Tuesday, July 7. Join us again on Tuesday, July 14!

Wednesday, July 8

Moving and Grooving:  Diving into Summer

When:  Wednesday, July 8 from 12:00pm-1:00pm

What:  We will join together to discuss life’s stressors while improving the physical health of our bodies to create a healthy lifestyle by learning helpful social and exercise habits. Thisgroupwill incorporate a different movement activity every session. This week we are truly diving into summer! We are moving and grooving to some summertime music so we can be ready to hit the pools when they open. This is a great opportunity to be active during a virtual time. Adaptable for all abilities!

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85277454478  at 12:00pm to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact ashley.treiber@supportinc.com for any questions.

Thursday, July 9

Touching Stories

When:  Thursday, July 9 from 11:00am-12:00pm

What: Touching Stories is a unique therapy model, specifically designed for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, that pairs the social and emotional learning of story with sensory integration activities in a way that is educational, engaging, and simply, a lot of fun! We have adapted our Touching Stories for at home use. Gwen will first lead participants in a scavenger hunt for the sensory items needed for the stories (all items are common items found in every home) and then will tell the sensory-based stories to the group. Please see the attached list for scavenger hunt items. If you are curious to learn more, please watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcjzvevJ9_w&t=67s.

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86143640216 at 11:00am to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact gwen.bonilla@supportinc.com for any questions. Everyone is welcome!

Friday, July 10

Pop Culture Group:  Reflection

When:  Friday, July 10 from 12:00pm-1:00pm

What:  Pop Culture Group is an opportunity for clients to come together and connect over their common interests and explore new ideas at the same time. Come explore different styles of music and comedy for the next six weeks as we discuss, sing, dance, and laugh. Let’s take some time to reflect on all that we’ve experienced in the last few weeks. We want to hear your likes and dislikes and discuss our next topic for this group! This will end our comedy and music session.

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88042448634 at 12:00pm to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact meredith.kane@supportinc.com for any questions. All are welcome!

Items Needed for Thursday, July 9

We’ll do two stories:

Scavenger Hunt for Little Red Riding Hood!

A Red piece of fabric (big enough to be placed around head and shoulder)

A clove of garlic or garlic powder

A stick or tree branch

Something that smells like flowers

A blanket

A piece of wood or other hard surface

A beach ball or other large ball

A cloth glove

A toothpick

A pillow

Scavenger Hunt for Henny Penny!

Wooden Spoon

Empty box or Hardcover book

Something round like a nut

Shirt with a pocket


“Pail” or a Jar or a bowl

Berries or something that smells like berries



Something Furry/Soft

And get ready to make animal noises for a chicken, a duck, a cow, a goose, a pig, a sheep, and a fox

2019-coronavirus (1)

COVID-19 Updates

From CEO Bentley Smith:

Great job to everyone following the recommended infection control protocols by the Centers for Disease Control and local guidance published by the Colorado Department of Public Environment (CDPHE).  We have had some close calls, but no major known exposures or outbreaks. 

Looking forward to the upcoming summer season, and the lowering of restrictions in our communities, it is imperative that we continue to remain vigilant.  This means following the infection control standards, making informed decisions about activities you may be considering, and discussing your activities with your Support, Inc. team when needed.  The individuals that we serve are considered highly vulnerable to COVID-19, and therefore we all must diligently follow the guidance and limit everyone’s exposure to stop the spread.

You can visit Support, Inc.’s website for the latest news and information, or the CDPHE website for more COVID-19 related information.  Links are below:

Link to Support, Inc. Newsfeed

Link to CDPHE’s COVID-19 Website

We also have our updated screening questions to be used before entering client homes. We will use this same screening tool for visitors entering our offices. For any questions on the screening assessment, please contact Laura at Laura.Viers@supportinc.com


LIFE Club Events This Week!

Join us for some upcoming virtual events! Check out our new Pop Culture Group on Fridays.

Please follow the links imbedded in this message to participate.

Tuesday, June 30

LIFE Club:  Support, Inc. Jam Session

When:  Tuesday, June 30 from 5:00pm-6:30pm

What: Join us for an evening of friendship, discussion, and learning! These interactive groups will focus on developing skills and confidence for social situations in a way that is fun and informative! LIFE Club is open to all. Join us this week as we create and play our own musical instruments. Let’s get creative with the items in our house to make kazoos, drums, shakers…the possibilities are endless. At the end, we will join together in a jam session.  

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89924525638 at 5:00pm to participate. Contact christopher.sharkey@supportinc.com or gwen.bonilla@supportinc.com for any questions. Everyone is welcome!

Wednesday, July 1

Moving and Grooving:  Finding Our Inner Strength

When:  Wednesday, July 3 from 12:00pm-1:00pm

What:  We will join together to discuss life’s stressors while improving the physical health of our bodies to create a healthy lifestyle by learning helpful social and exercise habits. Thisgroupwill incorporate a different movement activity every session. This week will focus on what makes us feel strong. Now that we have spent so much time doing a variety of movement activities, let’s check back in to see our progress. This is a great opportunity to be active during a virtual time. Adaptable for all abilities!

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85277454478  at 12:00pm to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact meredith.kane@supportinc.com for any questions.

Thursday, July 2

Touching Stories

When:  Thursday, July 2 from 11:00am-12:00pm

What: Touching Stories is a unique therapy model, specifically designed for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, that pairs the social and emotional learning of story with sensory integration activities in a way that is educational, engaging, and simply, a lot of fun! We have adapted our Touching Stories for at home use. Gwen will first lead participants in a scavenger hunt for the sensory items needed for the stories (all items are common items found in every home) and then will tell the sensory-based stories to the group. Please see the attached list for scavenger hunt items. If you are curious to learn more, please watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcjzvevJ9_w&t=67s.

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86143640216 at 11:00am to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact gwen.bonilla@supportinc.com for any questions. Everyone is welcome!

Friday, July 3

Pop Culture Group:  Show and Tell

When:  Friday, July 3 from 12:00pm-1:00pm

What:  Pop Culture Group is an opportunity for clients to come together and connect over their common interests and explore new ideas at the same time. Come explore different styles of music and comedy for the next six weeks as we discuss, sing, dance, and laugh. This is what we have all been waiting for! Bring your talents, enthusiasm, and support for our friends as we show off our talents and talk about our favorite hobbies. Make sure to invite everyone in your house to show off your new skills in performance!

Instructions:  In order to participate, please follow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88042448634 at 12:00pm to participate. Everyone is welcome! Contact meredith.kane@supportinc.com for any questions. All are welcome!

Untitled Design (58)

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Council

To All Support Inc. Staff,

Recently our Founder Dennis Kirkman and our CEO Bentley Smith sent out a strong and clear statement regarding Support Inc.’s desire to advocate for the rights of disenfranchised people throughout this country. To impact change within our company and to our community, we are forming a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Council. I (Nick Manning) will be supporting a group of volunteers to help steer organizational decision-making regarding equality in several areas, which will include:


  • Ensure Support Inc. is following up to date federal, state, and local guidelines.

Respectful and Inclusive Internal Environment

  • Taking inventory of who we are and how we are made up. Then identifying how we want it to look so that our vision of a diverse workforce is reflected in our community.

Cultural and Global Adaptability

  • We deal with a global provider network and must embrace it. Support Inc. must take action to educate ourselves on the community around us and find ways to impact change.

This Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council will be charged with the following:

  • Inclusive leadership group
  • Provide diversity and multicultural training
  • Leverage diversity to enhance cultural adaptability and overall performance
  • Embrace local identity while providing a broad global connection
  • Enhance employee participation
  • Refocus from a company centered view to community focused view

Lastly, the responsibilities of the DEI Council may include:

  • Assist the organizational leadership in the creation and implementation of the DEI strategy and key milestones
  • Embed the diversity and inclusion function across the organization with strong connections to business units and operational divisions
  • Delineate diversity roles and responsibilities and provide for ongoing assessment to ensure effectiveness
  • Broadly build and share knowledge on DEI successes and impact – build the case for DEI!
  • Work with the human resource department to identify specific DEI education content to be included in employee training and professional development
  • Identify DEI barriers that impact recruitment, retention and advancement, recruitment, training, and key assignments
  • Create content and custom DEI messaging for this council to communicate to leadership, management, and the general employee population
  • Act as change agents for the organization – challenge the status quo – champion DEI and promote the company as an employer of choice
  • Identify support for external organizations that fit our DEI mission with time and/or donations

This group will be made up of diverse set of employees from all walks of life and we are soliciting membership for our initial DEI council. Please reach out to me directly if you are interested in participating in this council (my information is below my signature on this document).

Important notes:

  • Individuals interested and chosen for this initial phase of Support Inc.’s DEI initiative will be subject a specified term length, ensuring a continuation of fresh diverse views and perspectives.
  • A secondary phase will call on a larger group of individuals interested in supporting our DEI initiatives as our scope grows.

Together we can make a significant impact on our community and continue to be leaders in our industry.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the Council, please email Nick at Nicholas.Manning@supportinc.com