To All Support Inc. Staff,
Recently our Founder Dennis Kirkman and our CEO Bentley Smith sent out a strong and clear statement regarding Support Inc.’s desire to advocate for the rights of disenfranchised people throughout this country. To impact change within our company and to our community, we are forming a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Council. I (Nick Manning) will be supporting a group of volunteers to help steer organizational decision-making regarding equality in several areas, which will include:
- Ensure Support Inc. is following up to date federal, state, and local guidelines.
Respectful and Inclusive Internal Environment
- Taking inventory of who we are and how we are made up. Then identifying how we want it to look so that our vision of a diverse workforce is reflected in our community.
Cultural and Global Adaptability
- We deal with a global provider network and must embrace it. Support Inc. must take action to educate ourselves on the community around us and find ways to impact change.
This Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council will be charged with the following:
- Inclusive leadership group
- Provide diversity and multicultural training
- Leverage diversity to enhance cultural adaptability and overall performance
- Embrace local identity while providing a broad global connection
- Enhance employee participation
- Refocus from a company centered view to community focused view
Lastly, the responsibilities of the DEI Council may include:
- Assist the organizational leadership in the creation and implementation of the DEI strategy and key milestones
- Embed the diversity and inclusion function across the organization with strong connections to business units and operational divisions
- Delineate diversity roles and responsibilities and provide for ongoing assessment to ensure effectiveness
- Broadly build and share knowledge on DEI successes and impact – build the case for DEI!
- Work with the human resource department to identify specific DEI education content to be included in employee training and professional development
- Identify DEI barriers that impact recruitment, retention and advancement, recruitment, training, and key assignments
- Create content and custom DEI messaging for this council to communicate to leadership, management, and the general employee population
- Act as change agents for the organization – challenge the status quo – champion DEI and promote the company as an employer of choice
- Identify support for external organizations that fit our DEI mission with time and/or donations
This group will be made up of diverse set of employees from all walks of life and we are soliciting membership for our initial DEI council. Please reach out to me directly if you are interested in participating in this council (my information is below my signature on this document).
Important notes:
- Individuals interested and chosen for this initial phase of Support Inc.’s DEI initiative will be subject a specified term length, ensuring a continuation of fresh diverse views and perspectives.
- A secondary phase will call on a larger group of individuals interested in supporting our DEI initiatives as our scope grows.
Together we can make a significant impact on our community and continue to be leaders in our industry.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the Council, please email Nick at