With the election coming up, Support is relaying critical voter information for those residing in Colorado. From voting deadlines to voter registration, there’s plenty to track in the next few weeks.
Even though there’s deadlines to meet and requirements to vote, this doesn’t mean that voting has to be difficult! Coloradoans are fortunate to live in a state where vote-by-mail is easily accessible. Furthermore, our Secretary of State Jena Griswold has provided additional voting options for people with disabilities with electronic ballot access from home.
And even though we recommend registering to vote soon, you can also register to vote on Election Day if need be. We strongly support individuals with disabilities having access to the polls-we ultimately want to help make this process as seamless and easy to understand as possible.
So let’s talk about voting deadlines and how to register to vote. First, we have the deadlines to cover:
Important dates to know for Election 2020
Oct. 9
- Ballots start to get mailed out to active voters
Oct. 19
- Drop boxes open to start accepting ballots
- Voting and polling centers open
Oct. 26
- Last day to update your registration to receive a ballot by mail
- Last day to mail your ballot back
Oct. 27
- You can no longer mail your ballot back! Drop it off in a ballot box, or head to a polling center.
Nov. 3
- Election Day
- Last day to vote — ballots must be received by 7 p.m.
- In Colorado, you can both register to vote and vote on Election Day
If you prefer, take a screenshot of this image and save it to your phone. Pro tip: Saving reminders in your phone can help you remember to meet the deadlines in a timely manner.

Next, we have registration information:
To register in Colorado you must:
- be a citizen of the United States
- be a resident of Colorado for at least 22 days immediately before the Election in which you intend to vote
- be at least 16 years old, but you must be at least 17 and turning 18 on or before the date of the next general election to be eligible to vote in a primary election, and at least 18 to be eligible to vote in any other election
- not be serving a sentence of detention or confinement for a felony conviction
- *find more information on voting rights restoration here
How to register to vote:
- You can register online if you have an active Colorado driver’s license or ID card. If you don’t have a Colorado-issued ID, you can still register to vote by mail or in person. Here is a link to the website where you can register: https://www.sos.state.co.us/voter/pages/pub/olvr/verifyNewVoter.xhtml You can register to vote up until election day in Colorado, but Monday, October 26th, 2020 is the deadline to register to vote and receive a ballot by mail. Monday the 26th is also the deadline to submit a ballot by mail and ensure it is counted. If you fill out a ballot after the 26th, you can still drop it off at a ballot box or polling center.
- Register by mail a registration form is attached, and can also be found online at: https://www.sos.state.co.us/pubs/elections/vote/VoterRegFormEnglish.pdf
If you are a resident of Colorado and do not have a Colorado ID, or you just prefer to send your form by mail, you may register this way. Keep in mind that your registration needs to be received by the 26th in order for you to receive a ballot through the mail.
3. Eligible voters with a disability may request to access a ballot and vote electronically. Voters with a disability can now vote an electronic ballot independently and privately from their own home or other location. During the 22 days before and on election day, the electronic ballot access website, myballot.sos.colorado.gov., will guide you through the process of voting your ballot. Once you have voted your ballot, you must print the completed ballot, print the accessible ballot application provided, and then sign the accessible ballot application. All of these materials must be returned together. You may return your printed ballot materials in person to either a county drop-box or voter service and polling center or through the mail. Your ballot and application must be received no later than 7 PM on election day.
4. Register to vote in-person. Registering to vote in-person may be done at a physical office, which includes:
-A Colorado Department of Motor Vehicle office when you apply for a driver’s license, or when updating your driver’s license information;
-Offices that provide public assistance, including offices that provide state funded programs primarily engaged in providing services to person with disabilities;
-Recruitment offices of the armed forces of the United States;
-Any federal, state, or local government office or any nongovernment office that chooses to provide voter registration service or applications; or
-A voter service and polling center.
Not sure if you are registered or want to check your address? Review your status here: https://www.sos.state.co.us/voter/pages/pub/olvr/findVoterReg.xhtml
Again, readers can save this image to their phones as a guide to voter registration. Set alarms in your phone to remind you to register to vote soon!

Plain Language Voting Guide
Perhaps the best resource we could relay would be the Plain Language Guide for individuals with disabilities. The Arc of Larimer County has pieced together this important guide that covers a variety of topics, such as what is voting, who can vote, and what to do when your voting rights have been denied. To learn more, follow this link.
This information was sourced from the Colorado Secretary of State website and The Arc of Larimer County and is part of an initiative by the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council to share voting information and resources. Be on the lookout for further information and related updates in the Support, Inc. Newsletter and on the Support, Inc. Facebook page. at www.facebook.com/supportinc1989