Support, Inc. recently joined a walk in Windsor hosted by the Northern Colorado Down Syndrome Association. Brian and Cathy first met Lori and Melinda at the respite retreat hosted by the newly rebranded ARC of Northeast Colorado back in July. What a nice coincidence to share a table at this gathering- the conversations they had together led Support, Inc. to host a booth at the walk earlier this month.

Cathy had a great time meeting new families and connecting with community partners. The Resource Fair allowed for members to learn more about the agencies in the area as they pertain to Down Syndrome. Cathy met a few new providers and relayed her contact information to anyone needing additional information on the DD waiver.

The best surprise of all was hearing Jillian Ball give her speech! Jillian is a current Person Receiving Services with Support, Inc. and such a wonderful keynote speaker. She will have you laughing and crying in one sitting. It was truly a pleasure to hear her address the crowd and we hope to catch her around again sometime soon!

Thanks again to the Northern Colorado Down Syndrome Association for allowing us to share a space with you during the walk recently. We greatly appreciated the opportunity to connect with community members and hope to join again next year!